What Are You (yes, YOU) Doing TODAY For Your RECOVERY?

I’ve never posted on this thread before so I hope I’m doing it right.
It’s my first day and I’m trying to (1) stay positive.
(2) Try to read things here and ignore the panic attacks. I know they’re not real it’s just withdrawal. (3) I’ll write down the things I’m grateful for. (4) One day at a time.
Not much, I know, but I hope to do more tomorrow.

Also, I’ve ran out of likes, but here’s a few hearts for everyone who’s posted here: :heart::heart::heart:×640 (the current number of posts)
I get ideas from everyone, thank you all for that.


Checking in before fishing so I dont fall asleep before I do like yesterday.
Getting the camera crew ready. Each camera was paid for with beer money savings.
Hopefully catching big fish all day long!


Hope your feeling better!

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Great to see you posting here and working so diligently on your sobriety :hugs:
Wishing you a wonderful first day :muscle:t4:

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  • checked in
  • Coffee and journaling
  • 25 min jog on the treadmill
  • Baking some chocolate chip banana bread for my kids
  • Housework & laundry
  • Watching a TV show for me !! It’s always on whatever my partner or kids want and frankly I can’t remember when I last watched something I actually wanted to ( probably while folding the laundry though :joy:)
  • Eating healthy to nourish my body
  • Making and having dinner with the fam.
  • nightly gratitude
  • relaxing
  • Reading until I fall asleep sober
  • Prayer
  • Readings
  • Writings
  • Ideally, helping others
  • Staying grateful and positive
  • Walkin’ (17,062 Feb. steps)
  • Step work
  • Meeting(s)

Thank you :blush::pray::heavy_heart_exclamation:

  • morning yoga
  • cleaning the apartment
  • therapy!!!
  • going to the library if it’s not too cold
  • staying in and journaling/reading if it is too cold
  • cooking because i deserve to eat well
  • laundry because i deserve clean clothes
  • checking in here; often if needed
  • practicing feeling safe in my body and home
  • tarot reading
  • taking my meds


  • staying hydrated
  • try to read a book I saw someone reading (Never Enough) if I can
  • no energy, I’ll see if coffee will help
  • clean up around me just a little bit, dishes and laundry
  • catch myself actively when my mind wanders- I’ll think of nothing serious or emotionally triggering

Today, I am job-hunting. But also, my partner has been working nightshift, so I’m going to head to the supermarket shortly and pick up some groceries - I’m intending to cook a Chicken & Meatball Jambalaya for her.

I used to cook quite regularly and enjoyed it, but haven’t done much recently. My partner is also a hard one to impress as she’s a trained chef (before changing career), so fingers crossed it gets her mark of approval :sweat_smile:

  • enjoying being 40 days sober and 3 days sugar free
  • Checking in
  • Working 10 hours
  • Journaling
  • Eating healthy to nourish my body
  • making and having dinner with the fam
  • treadmill for a bit
  • Reading
  • Go to bed sober

Congrats on your 40 days

I am doing today
Exercise dog in rain (never would have drunk when raining)
Praying for others
Step work
Telephone with wonderful sponsor
Chores and maybe some time to bake
Staying sober


I came straight home when I got off the water.
I took a nap.
Checking in.
Cooking a healthy dinner.
The weather is giving me day off tomorrow. I’m excited to paint. Hangover free and steady hands.


Day 3

  • Going to do some grocery shopping
  • Clean up a little more
  • Stay positive and keep my mind from wandering
  • Work
  • Work on my new coffee addiction, lol
  • Read before bed instead of scrolling on social media which I’m beginning to suspect is a trigger
  • Keep up with ST
  • Dragged my overtired but at least sober self out of bed
  • checked in
  • worked a 10hr shift
  • Ignored that inner addict girl when she started whispering today after a tough afternoon
  • made and had dinner with the fam
  • read
  • Go to bed early sober

Heck yeah …flex them sober muscles :muscle:t4:. Another day in the booka :tada::confetti_ball:


I worked on steps this morning with coffee, and checked in with my sponsor who is in Mexico (love whats app). I attended my homegroup, it has been one year since I opened that meeting, time flies. I shared my experience strength and hope. I volunteered to open next week. Now I am scrolling through TS.

Grateful I have a life today. :sparkles:

  • I’m going for a walk
  • Work
  • Dishes
  • TS
  • bed

Day 2.

The headache is still there and I’m still in physical pain so leaving the house is out of the question today.

• today I will attend two meetings
• I’m going to paint - haven’t done that for a long time.
• going to tell my drs I need my antidepressants increasing
• drink more coffee! - I have ADHD so it works the opposite way and chills me out. If I’m not overthinking I feel more at peace.


Early to bed early to rise. I got good sleep.
Morning meditation done.
On the water or off, I have been making time for morning meditation.
This morning I visualized being grounded and rooted in recovery. I visualized my roots going deep into the earth.
I feel grounded. A drink feels far away this morning.
I have been editing, organizing, getting the camera crew ready for the next trip.
As I continue to put energy into all the things that I have invested time, energy and money into to help keep me sober Im feeling a little emotional. Good emotions. Its all coming together. All I have to do is not take that first drink and im 1000 times less likely to fuck it all up!

@Soli Day 3! :muscle: Glad your here! Day four is when I started to feel a little better each day physically.

@ImNotMe Day 2 was rough for me. Drink lots of water and sleep as much as you can. It gets better. Im glad your here!