What are your hobbies?

I’m sure this has been asking before but I’m really craving a distraction, I want to do something, but personally me new hobby has been staring at my phone and that’s not healthy either. I need something to help me relax without wanting to make myself drink.


I was the same for a long time but I found that journaling helps keep my mind busy. I also like getting those adult coloring books and coloring. I know it doesn’t sound like much but the littlest thing to distract us or keep our minds busy is really huge!! I hope this was helpful.

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I have a coloring book on the way lol I just don’t know how long it will take, so I am hitting all my bases, but I appreciate the advice

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I like nature so I do a lot of walking. I started painting but I’m not very good at it. I also join my daughter with her hobbies. She likes legos, puzzles and coloring. Doing these activities with her makes our bond stronger and we have quality time together.

Sassy posted a great list. Here’s a link

I like to read (when I have time) and listen to music!!

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So far for hobbies I enjoy exercise/weight lifting, baking, snd dreamcatcher making


Thank you so much that is super helpful

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Wow that’s amazing! How did you learn to make dreamcatchers?

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Honestly… YouTube lol they show you the general method on how to make basic dreamcatchers. Then I got into making my own templates of the webbing. Planning where to put beads, planning color themes etc. They take some time to do… so it’s sort of a little project. Keeps my hands busy. And I just zone out when I work on one :slight_smile:

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That cake is so good! You are talented!

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Thank you so much! This was made for my cousin Aeson’s bday a while back. My 1st anti gravity cake :slight_smile:

It’s so good! I can barely boil water lol

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Funny u should say that tho… I can bake no problem! But cooking on the other hand is the worst!!! I have no sense of spices or how to cook things without over cooking them. I tend to over cook meats n eggs n stuff cuz im scared to get sick lol its bad… if it wasn’t for my hubby, I’d probably starve lol

For me…exercise has always been my go to! It’s hard in the colder months as I live running outside and being in nature in general. Why I live here? IDK! Mainly because my famy does. I get seasonal depression which just adds to my already anxiety/depression. I HATE winter and having no sunshine. But if you are not one that is into exercising I would try as it produces all of those feel good endorphins we got from our addiction/s.

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