What do you focus on if not your drug of choice?

I am on day 11 of being clean, well if suboxone is being clean. For 8 years day in and day out my life was based around my love affair with pills. Everything I did depended on pills. I needed them to wake up, to sleep, to go to work, to stay home from work, etc. I counted them a million times a day, I constantly checked on them as if they would walk away, and I spend my time finding them. Now I need to fill my brain with something else. Even working a 50 hour a week job my day still focused around my pills so work really isn’t even a distraction. I need something to think about, learn about, and do. What did you do in early recovery? What did you focus on? Did you find a good hobby? Get a pet? Any ideas are welcome.

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https://youtu.be/EO6OE3CoHtA I focus on my Higher Power the only addiction with unlimited supply and no unhealthy side effects

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@Markm Thanks for sharing! That was very powerful & beautifully said! Blessings to you! :blush::blush::blush::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::pray::pray::pray: :cross: :cross: :cross:

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I just started running again. Feels great to not have my mind completely absorbed with opiates every day. You and I have almost identical drug stories. I did the sub thing for years and just detoxed off that. I may come off as the crazy cat lady right now but, my cat is my child! He brings so much joy to my life and always knows when I’m having a crappy day so if you’re a pet kind of person I for sure recommend it!


@Britt. Thank you for this. In my first day of sobriety and all consumed with what do i focus on now? Im so use to chasing drugs all day im not sure how to just have a “normal” day .thank you.