What do you say?

I’m on day 4. What do you say to people offer you a drink or to go out drinking? I’m mostly asking for professional purposes or just to people that don’t know me. I don’t mind telling friends I’ve quit.

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This has crossed my mind as well. To struggle with the temptation of having “just one” seems like hell. What I plan to do is say no thanks, stay low for a while, and focus on the good times that I will be able to enjoy. I’ve already distanced myself from most of the people I would drink with so it won’t be too hard for me. The biggest influence with my drinking was myself. I always found an excuse to have a night of drinking. I guess what I’m trying to say is if you know deep down you don’t want that drink and you can remember why your doing this for yourself that should help motivate yourself. Maybe find something to do on the weekends? I recently bought a puzzle and plan to work on that with my kids. Sounds lame but it will keep my hands and mind busy plus quality time with my family. Good luck! Stay strong! :slight_smile:


Hi Tay,
Great tips… I’m struggling with this too. I’m on day 4 and the weekends are a major trigger for me. Im just learning that I have control and I don’t have to put myself in the environment where I know a urge will pop up.
Thanks for your advice!
SG :smile:

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