4 days sober after a few resets. This time I’m finding new things to keep me busy or to do instead of drinking. I really like to cook, so I’ve been cooking a lot more. And I’ve made quite a few yummy things! When I feel like having a drink, I have a glass of hot green tea instead.
What helps you stay clean? I’m looking for some more inspiration.
- Watching youtube videos about other people’s story
- reading articles or blogs about people who are sober and the things they discovered about the self
- writing down the things I used to do while drunk
- Sprite, hot chocolate, Kombucha
- Letting people know I don’t want to drink anymore.
- Making future plans like camping, the beach, a sports game, anything creative or even getting in shape
I’m sure there’s more I can’t think of, I’m still half asleep right now lol
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Making future plans is the best isn’t it?! It’s like you don’t have to worry about whether or not you’ll have enough money or you’ll cancel because you’re hungover. And it gives you something to look forward to. And then doing things sober that you used to do drunk feels like such an accomplishment when you get that realization that it’s even more fun sober and you didn’t need the alcohol to have fun.
Awesome ways to heal!
There are several ideas here! Some already mentioned. Here’s my list:
- Listen to YouTube testimonials.
- Started a video diary/recovery journey and post to YouTube. Look me up at https://youtu.be/p4FuosmaL9k
- Removed drinking buddies from contacting me. I deactivated my Facebook account and blocked phone numbers from texting or calling. For me, this has really helped me. It made me realize how much friends have an influence on me. In my circle of friends, there are none that dont drink. Birds of the feather flock together. This has been challenging, but its ok. This is about taking care of me and saving my life. New sober friends can be made later.
- Research the health risks of alcholol.
- Stay in contact with my immediate family. They are non drinkers.
- Reading blogs in this Forum and responding to them.
- I am a huge Oregon duck football fan so I look forward to each game. Unfortunately, they are having an off year.
- I have also discovered another app called In The Rooms. There you are able to attend video meetings.
- When I get the desire to drink, I know it will go away. I also ask myself lots of questions and analyze that very moment. What is happening around me or what has happened that day? Any stressors? What are the consequences if I decide to drink? Etc.
- Another huge one for me is listening to calm music. Sort of meditating. Taking my headphones and close my eyes. Let the music run through my ears.
I hope this helps! If you discover something that helps you, please share. We will conquer this disease together as one because we know it cannot be done alone.