What in there next year are you excited for

Since tonight in NYE, and one of the biggest drinking days, I’m staying in. Instead, I am looking forward to the next year sober. What is one thing you want from the next year sober? I want to finally get my 6 pack abs. Alcohol had always stopped me from that. Diet and excercise on check, and now my liver is healing to help with the abdominal area. What are you looking forward too?


Those are some serious goals I hope you reach them all! My goal is to find a job that offers good health insurance and to lose at least 30 pounds. I’m keeping it simple because I know staying sober is gonna be one hell of a struggle in itself.


Well looking back I see it’s one goal I’m sorry haha but a 6 pack I don’t think I could ever do that :frowning:

I’d love to lose weight… have a new lifestyle… a healthy one that would allow me to love myself again and be super confident about myself.


Weight will drop naturally, and I excelled at work when I quit drinking. So finding a job while sober will definitely up your chances. Good luck bro

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All those happened to me. Weight loss and healthier just automatically happened. With more energy and more money without drinking, I am able to do other things I have always wanted to. It will come. Good luck!

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Studying to retrain in community services/social work so I can help others going through some of the same problems I’ve had lately.

Looking for a new job to keep money coming in while I work.

Finally addressing life long issues through councilling.

Making new friends.

Enjoying life and what the world has to offer.


I’m looking forward to regenerating my liver. Learning to relax and socialise sober, and smashing some fitness goals. (I’ll never have a six pack :laughing:). Better coping at work would be good too.

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I’m also gonna try to get back in shape. Truth be told, I was only ever in good shape for about a year or 2. I was overweight from childhood until about age 30, when I was told by a Dr. to lose 100 pounds because of the 2 herniated discs in my lower back. I got a gym membership, hired a personal trainer, was drinking less, and lost 95 pounds. I had confidence in my self, and actually went on a few dates with some beautiful girls. Don’t know exactly when I veered off but I did. Eating unhealthy, gained all the weight back, what little confidence I did have disappeared. I still continued to exercise, though not as often or intense as I should. Being sober, I can see myself being able to focus more on a healthy diet ( I skipped breakfast and lunch many days, and drank my dinner), and without hangovers hitting the gym is much more likely to happen. Damn that seems long. Sorry.

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Sounds like a great plan! Get in the gym and get those 6 meals in everyday!
Being a personal trainer myself other than meetings and staying in contact with other alcoholics/addicts,you can’t do any better than getting back to being physically fit!


In my early soberiety I stated to eat well get back to gym and play sqash keep fit used to run to /AA meets but alas after a while I put weight on in the winter and as a landscaper I used to loose it in the summer but in two weeks I’ll be 65 so not to much physical work but I’ll be ok. My sons will take over the business and we are also selling our guesthouse to down size. It’s been a great journey these last 30 years. Best move I made going to my first meeting in sept 86. Everyone have a great new year


I keep hoping the weight loss will come but so far nothing. I hope I haven’t screwed up my liver so bad beyond repair.

I have all the regular resolutions:

  1. Sober (usually it was just drink less…but that doesn’t work)
  2. Lose weight
  3. Read more

But this year I added a 4th. Since I’ll be sober in the evenings I decided to add Learn the Guitar. I’m kind of excited for that one.


Sounds a lot like me. Lost 50 pounds and gained confidence. When I started drinking heavily again, all that went out the window. I train muay thai so that is intense workout, but man my endurance and energy is so much better sober. Now that I am abstaining from alcohol completely, my liver can finally heal fully. Which helps with abdominal fat. I have Fatty liver, which swells the liver and makes your abdomen swell, also known as beer gut. Doctor says it will take 6 months to fully heal. But at almost 3 months and I have much more energy and endurance, 6 months I’ll feel amazing. Keep it up man, it’s worth it

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It’s the best thing for me. I train muay thai kick boxing and lift weights. Excercise keeps me busy and happy. We have a nutritionist who trains with us and see gives us all diets that follow to reach our goals. I am definitely on the right track, just need to stay sober. I and looking forward to this year.

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Been sober for 30 years? Congratulations my nam. You do more then you know for people who are starting on this path. You show that it is possible and it is worth it. Thank you


I play guitar myself, I even give lessons lol. How long have you been sober? Weight loss will come, and with sobriety you’ll get more energy to go excercise. I would go see a doctor to get your liver tested. Depending on your stage, they can give medication or tips to help. But #1 is always quit drinking. Good luck!

Hiking! Lots and lots of hiking with my dogs.
Reading- 3 to 4 books a month
Helping more people
Spelling out good words and works
Maintaining simplicity
Converting to a mostly raw diet

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Lol, I can’t do a raw diet, too much of a meat lover. I think you might enjoy writing, reading your bio. Would like to see if you get published

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@atticus880…I’m completely my up on 4 weeks

As for guitar, I’m doing it using YouTube. LOL I did a very beginner lesson yesterday and my finger tips STILL hurt. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Congrats!!! The finger tip pain will definitely go away. You tube lessons are good, not as good as one on one but still work. Best advice, practice ever day for at least 15-20 minutes (important for beginners) and do not get discouraged. Everyone wants to start playing but gets discouraged when what they play doesn’t sound like the song they heard. This takes time, but once you are there, you got it.