What is it like getting a DUI?

Damn reading all your stories scared the shit out of me. This was one of my biggest fears while drinking. I’d always have it at the back of my head whilst drinking and driving and the scary thing is at some point I actually thought it made me a better driver :cold_sweat::scream:. I never got a DUI and don’t even recall getting stopped whilst drunk driving.

Yikes, I was having a crappy day 3 craving alcohol now all that just died away. One more reason to remain sober. Thanks for sharing your experiences.


Your story made me cry.
Thank you for sharing.:heart:

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I never would’ve imagined that something like that would ever happen. It happened in seconds and it was irreversible. The worst thing that has ever happened in my life, happened in a split second and there’s nothing I can do to take it back. The only thing I can do is stay sober and make sure I never have the chance to do anything like that ever again. Not only do I have to live with such guilt, pain and remorse, I also get to do so in prison. Drinking and driving is never worth what could happen and I wish every single day I hadn’t.


Well I carried on drinking for another 6 years. I thought it was great. Didnt have to drive anywhere. Could drink on every single night. Even the ones my wife was present on without hiding it.

What a fucking arsehole I was

It’s very expensive. Very, very expensive. I couldn’t stay sober after my dui. I was an everyday drinker who needed it just to be “normal.” I got help. Im in South Florida so thankfully there are a ton of resources for people who want to recover. My insurance is through the roof and I have an interlock device in my car for another 6 months. Its not worth it. My drinking has affected so many people in my life and its just not worth my time and the worry anymore. Today.

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I got one at 20 back when not much was done. After I completed the 8 week alcohol education class the charge was removed from my record. That was a long time ago. I was sober for many years. In recent years I have very irresponsibly drunk alcohol and gotten behind the wheel. I have deserved many DUIs, but have been lucky (??) I haven’t gotten pulled over. Sitting here 43 days sober I resolve to NOT do it ever again. Just, IMHO, not worth it on so many levels. :worried::worried: Reading everyone’s stories here made a difference to me. Thanks for sharing. I know it isn’t easy.


I have a very similar story - I got mine in my early 20’s (1985) and, being in the USN at the time, the judge just turned things over to the Navy to deal with. I had my license suspended for 6 mos, but other than that, there really wasn’t anything done. I was lucky then I’ve been very lucky since then.


Me, too. But you know what? Luck runs out. At 60 I wouldn’t be so flippant about it. I would be mortified, embarrassed, ashamed and all things negative. I need to keep that in mind every single day.


I just got my 2nd. And I haven’t drank since. I stopped smoking cigs and have been going to meetings. Pretty scared.


Embarrassing and shameful.

First like most know I worked in public safety my entire life I saw the repurcussions of a DUI yet I had a complacent, egotistical, and invisible attitude. “Its not gonna get me” I’m a better driver than others, I know what I’m doing I know alot of cops and I make alot of money, I’ll get out of it.

Yeah I got away with tons of them until Jan 2017. Then I got popped, arrested taken to booking and sat in the drunk tank for the night. Had to get mugshots taken. Fingerprints treated essentially the same as if I murdered someone

It was my last booze and Cruze rodeo, I still drank and did it at home instead which made me worse cause I felt like eh I got nothing else to do.

The worst I feeling yet my girlfriend at the time still States “I didn’t know he had a problem” you watched me drink my self stupid for 4 years. But it wasn’t a problem?