What is sobriety?

Hello! Just checking in. There was an upset person running around fact checking anyone on my last post. I AM A ADULT WITH A LIFE SO FAR AWAY FROM U. That being said. Dont worry about my medications. U have no idea What my condition is or why I need them. STAY focused on ur own addiction. For me sobriety is The power of saying " NO" TO ALCOHOL my only vice. As long as im not drunk Im Sober. I dont get high on pills buddy. I want to be high on life. Maybe you or someone you love have addictions to pills. In any case Im 24 days sober today :slight_smile:


Awesome! And FYI - my understanding is that the individual you reference was suspended from the site.


Ya that guy was out of control. Very angry poor thing


When I first got sober you better believe I was seeing a psych doctor and taking my medication as prescribed. I needed outside help. Plain and simple. I wouldn’t have been able to get sober without it.


Keep getting better at getting better, each and every day.

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I’m sorry you had a terrible member to deal with, I assure you that it’s not the norm, I had to go on medication for the first 30 Days I was on about 5 different things, now I am down to antidepressants and a sedative if I get really bad cravings and get restless, alot of people end up needing help and have medication, I’m not going to stop taking it until my doctor Says so.


Good. No need to be negative or rude. :slight_smile:

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SAME BOAT! Its crazy how much alcohol ruins

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:hugs: thank you :slight_smile:

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Omy! Yeah they have me on ativan, antidepressants, acamprosate, :frowning: Ive never taken meds my whole life. Now, It upsets me to have to take pills to be normal

Ditto, I’ve refused antidepressants before but this time I know it is all for recovery, if it helps me feel better and balanced it is worth taking. You won’t be on them forever, keep your chin up

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Glad you didn’t let that troll turn you off from us. They show up sometimes, then get booted. Some people need meds. I’m on them. They help me try to stabilize.

As the resident benzo addict I do have to throw my .02 out there about the ativan. Be VERY careful with this one. Hopefully you have a responsible doctor who has armed you with knowledge about the insanity of addiction to benzos. They are highly effective SHORT TERM medications. I’d say that a lot of people in early recovery are on them. I know for a fact that most people on medically assisted detox are prescribed a Librium taper. It saves lives. It saved mine twice. It’s a steep, slippery road with the benzos.

So yeah, I feel obligated to say something about benzos. But it’s up to you and your doctor to work out the details. I wish you nothing but the best on your road. Honestly, I’m insanely jealous of anyone who can have the aid of benzos. Don’t fuck that up. Not having that option is beyond awful! Take it from this dumbass.

And now back to my side of the street. :sunglasses:


Exactly! I always wonder what is going on in someone’s life to make them so angry…especially when they are angry about things that have nothing to do with themselves. My mother was like this. She only made herself more miserable…which led her to drink…which led to her death. It makes me worry about angry people more than it makes me also angry.


The Dr. did warn me about the ativan. I dont feel high off of it. I dont feel anything. I do notice i have fewer panic attacks. I do not take the ativan unless im leaving my house or Im freaking out. :slight_smile: I like uppers. Meth, cocaine LOL. pills never called my attention. My friend gave me an adaral(spelling?) and it made me feel normal. not overwhelmed lmao. So i told her to stop wasting money on pills n do real adult drugs​:unamused::unamused::unamused: lol Def not the best advise ive given.

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I have lots of repressed anger. I notice I take it out on the most random thing. Im going to therapy to work on it. I hurts my throat how angry I get at times. My stomach hurts from all the yelling I do. I hate that. I hope to resolve this one day.

Yeah, pills were last on my list. But ill admit they do help sometimes

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Once again, just cautionary experience speaking, no judging. The way benzos get most people is because they take the anxiety and panic away. I never felt high on them, except at the end when my tolerance kicked in and I had to take around 10mg. They helped me survive the hardest days, but also the everyday. Once I was taking them everyday (as prescribed) I couldn’t stop taking them. My anxiety would shoot through the roof if I didn’t take them.

So yeah, just read the words and store the knowledge. Haha, I envy you because you have this medication to help you cope. I never will again. Sad, but necessary for my survival. Don’t get yourself in that position.

Anyway, you are making great forward progress and I feel like you should be proud of yourself. :sunglasses:

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Im sorry It got so bad for you. I dont want to be addicted to anything else. Im so tired of having codependent relationship with a substance. I Wish nothing more than for me to live vice free. I hope things get better for u. Anxiety sucks :frowning:


It’s gotten a lot easier, mostly through exposure. I’ve learned important things by just being anxious. But there are certainly moments where I just don’t want to deal with it. But that’s addict thinking all the way. In the end, my life is so much better without. If I was able to take benzos I’d certainly still be drinking. The Xanax let me deal with morning after anxiety while the Klonopin let me sleep without waking up from the drop in alcohol in my system. So for me, not being able to take them has saved my life. I was drinking far more alcohol than I should have been under and circumstances, but way more than enough to kill me with benzos in my system. Don’t have any clue how I never killed myself! Clearly I’m glad I didn’t!

So glad you have support and are willing to listen to my experiences. If I can save even one person from becoming addicted to these things it will make everything worth it! I’m not telling you, or anyone else, not to take the help you are offered, just trying to make sure people have the knowledge I didn’t have while prescribed these things.

Keep checking in and letting us know how things are going! I have a good feeling about you!


You’re the best!