Everyone wants to be happy. I’ll speak for myself; I want be happy. 1 year 9 months and 12 days sober. Not all of those days were happy happy. Yet, I have the willingness to try. And, in my experience God only asks that I try which pleases Him. A purposeful life is about making sacrifices. I have recovered from alcohol and drugs. I had the willingness to make a change. But, my journey doesn’t end until I make sacrifices for Him. A man once asked me, " Why do you come to AA? To help others heal or to be healed." Of course I said I wanted to be healed because I am selfish. He said, “When I share my experience it helps others. And does that not heal you?” I couldn’t disagree. The key to life and happiness today is having the willingness to make sacrifices for my neighbors. Right now, I’m at the doctors office with my friend because he is sick with bronchitis. I don’t expect anything in return. I just want him to get better. I could’ve been selfish and sat on the couch watching Finding Dori, but this makes me happier.
I’m all about that I’m starting a non profit organization to help my community. I gathered a group of friends and our first event is in December. We are helping kids with disabilities have a awesome Star Wars party
im super excited about that. People are so wrapped up in their worlds that they forget what makes this world go round… I don’t believe its money… I believe it’s unity.
Inspire, to be inspired you inspire me thank you folks!
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