What is too much drinking?

24 pack of beer a week? 12 pack a week? 2 bottles of wine a week?

0 is the only way to go. Alcohol seems to be the only drug socially acceptable in moderation. I think it’s a scam, there is no benefit to alcohol that I can find.


To me, too much drinking all depends on the individual.

If feel it affects your quality of life and those around you, then you drink too much.

Trying to quantify it for everyone is probably an endless argument.


Personally my past experience with alcohol I found I was vertually powerless with it. One drink was never enough, it consumed me almost my whole life. I have been an alcoholic since the age of 14 and of course had many relapses until 2013, my last drink was on August 25th and also my sons birthday. I got very out of control that night and hurt my family physically and emotionally, my son had to restrain me :pensive: when I woke up the next day the remorse in my heart was more than I could bear for how I treated the ones who love me very unconditionally I discovered, I swore that I was done, that was it for me and my rock bottom had arrived and today those relationships are strong, what’s most important is they once again have faith and trust in me because I didn’t just talk of no longer drinking I showed them I was by doing the walk, not the talk. This month I’m 3 yrs and 5 month’s sober and a recovering alcoholic which I thank the Great Spirit for lifting me out of that madness and removing that urge because when I drank it also lead me to use other substances such as cocaine so I could keep the party going longer. I’m so thankful for being alive today because of how many times I had also overdosed on alcohol, so no one drink is impossible for anyone that’s got an addictive personality. Blessings to all and good luck on sobriety!! We deserve it, just one day at a time :blue_heart::muscle:


One drink for me is a drink too many.


I got the same belife @wakfers 1 is 1 to many because im an addict and im ok With that


once i accepted that i was ok - and lets be honest you not missing much @Cobaltchris

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Haha thats very true @wakfers spot on !! Now im thinking wtf what have i done .its unbeliveable i do laugh at it now. So many crasy stories of my past :slight_smile:

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Drinking is worse than herion??

Thanks for the messages it was helpful.

Yeah however there are probably way more Alcohol users. Could skew the data. If you have an equal amount of users I bet the numbers would tell a different story.

In total there are more People dies from alcohol then drugs. Thats a fact . Both ruins lifes around

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Body is clear.

45 years……

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