What it feels like being Sober

I’ve been sober for a month but it feels like a year. :roll_eyes::pensive:


Hey! Congratulations on a month of sobriety!!! That’s huge! I’m wondering if you can explain more what you mean…

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I like that feeling. Feels like I’ve gained a hell of a lot of my time back.


One day at the time …:wink:


I feel like seconds are minutes, minutes are hours, hours are days, days are months and months are years because I had to stop using something that gives me more confidence and something that makes me feel good. I basically don’t feel like myself.

It’s not easy because I have to fight the temptation of using, every single day. But of course, I have to stay sober to look out for my health.


I know exactly what you mean. I’m sorry you don’t like yourself, maybe you should focus on changing that in all your free time now? Do things that you’re good at, that give you confidence etc?
I’ve also been sober for just over a month but it feels like an eternity too. I really want some sober friends so I don’t feel like I’m missing out every weekend when all my friends go out lol.
But well done! You’re doing super!


when we give out a 30 day chip at our AA group, we say its for 30 days and 1000 nights… it feels like that


I can sympathise…but you can do this! It’s definitely worth not drinking…:grinning:


Time is stretching right? I get that. It did get easier I think…the longer I stayed away. It helped to remember all of the absolutely terrible side effects I had from drinking and using. I also read some books that really helped me understand why I felt like I was “missing out” and just how silly it was to think that. There’s tons of sobriety book recommendations on here that you can search for. 30 days is a huge accomplishment. Keep fighting.
All my love,


Welcome! Is this for the sugar addiction? Hopefully some others who have faced similar have insight. And in any case I’ve found listening for the similarities there’s lots of helpful experience from just about everyone sharing.

I know giving up alcohol I’ve had trouble rebalancing sugar intake as part of the sudden carb crash. It sure has lasted for weeks, but with continual diet tweaks and exercise I’m slowly feeling clearer everyday. :v: :muscle:

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It feeels like foreverrrrr … specially after a few screw ups :roll_eyes:

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I also feel like time is going by slow and I love it. I wasted so much time being drunk or planning my next drink that now I savor every moment being sober. I have so much gratitude. :two_hearts::confetti_ball::dancer:


Yes, it’s for the sugar addiction

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Glad u hopped on here and posted. What forms of carbs do you allow yourself and how much?? If that’s an inappropriate question, sorry in advance. Eek

I never check the amount of carbs. I basically stopped eating anything that has sugar in it except natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables. I also eat food that might have sugar but you can’t really taste the sweetness of the food, e.g. Bread.

What I exclude from my diet is staff like chocolate, candy, cake, juice, soda etc.

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Gotcha. You might find this link helpful…
Sugar Addiction Support

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Thank you so much! :slight_smile: It’s very helpful :pray:

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I change alc. In hard coffee

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This time, when I hit 30, if felt different from all the other times that I had hit 30, because it was different. It was different because this time, I had closed the door on “maybe someday”, and embraced “never again”. I knew, deep in my soul, that this time sober had stuck.

and I knew that I was finally free. Day 268 since I took the last drink that I will ever take, I know this, because there is nothing or nobody who can make me put those chains back on. I am free, and I will stay this way.


Such an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing

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