What motivates me is my nephew. When i look at his innocent and cheerful face, it makes me quit alcohol and cigarettes for good.
what motivates me are things that i will be able to do when i hit the 6 months target
And you will bro, just be strong and take deep breaths
The ability to feel happy and content when I make up in the morning. (Bright- eyed and bushy-tailed)
Sleep, beautiful sleep!
No longer being a slave to a any chemical, being able to find fulfillment and happiness/success, escaping a constant inner war, living life on my own terms. Finding balance. And sleep is just amazing hahaha <3
What motivates me is my kids. I want to be there for them fully. No more falling asleep while we watch tv together. No more yelling at them and sending them to another room because their talking irritates my drunk mind. No more waking up at 2am feeling guilty because I would have been useless if they needed me in an emergency. They still need me to be their mom and I haven’t been a very good one the last few years.
Creating a me that’s able mentally & physically to turn my dreams into reality.
Life motivates me . Just to take a breath and tell myself you are good enough as it is … lol Who figured ? Also my homegroup , sponsor and fam, this forum are as well a motivate factor. Happy sober Christmas, Feliz Navidad to you all
My children and the desire to be really happy again!
Breaking the repetitive cycle that my addictive family has been trapped in for generations.
Great question! My motivation for living addiction free is simply that. But that reason alone, unfortunately, tends to ebb away and lead to relapse. I found this app about a day after my latest relapse and hope that by engaging in this forum I get to 90 days addiction free–when I think I might achieve the frame of mind needed to gain more motivation.
What motivates me is:
The fear of dying
Not accomplishing anything useful in my life
Hope for being happy
My family
A brighter future
Drugs and alcohol not controlling me on a day to say, hour to hour basis of need.
Other sober/clean people