I fully condeded to my innermost self that im alcoholic. That means the first drink is the most dangerous drink.
Ive done enough research to know that without a doubt. Im hard headed and alcoholism is cunning, baffling and powerful. So many relapses are part of my story.
I call my last relapse my final relapse. I quit giving myself permission to quit on myself.
My alcoholic thinking is always trying to find even the slightest opening to start the vicious cycle. So I have to constantly call myself on my bullshit.
I believe in the daily reprieve concept the big book of alcoholics anonymous talks about. Ive noticed within myself that if im moving forward trying to do the next right thing for my recovery, i generally feel better, and its easier to shoot down my alcoholic thinking.
H.a.l.t. hungry, angry lonely and tired. When thats out of whack. Im out of whack. My anxiety gets bad and stinking thinking gets louder and harsher.
What i did in the past for my recovery or know about recovery doesnt matter unless I use it, or practice it today.
I usually visit this forum first thing in the morning, throughout the day and before I sleep. Its easy to access and it keeps me foused on this app, which constantly reminds me that sobriety is my ultimate goal. I have support 24/7.
Even if I only have time to drop some memes, I come here and see the topics and remind myself of the ultimate goal.
I am responsible for my recovery. I cannot lose focus.
I have seen a person who had 34 years and work the 12 step program flawlessly slip and die from their relapse.
I tricked myself into thinking I was missing out on something with 9.5 years sobriety. I worked a solid program and still slipped. My slip lasted nine years. im lucky to be here and so grateful to be alive today.
Staying sober feels really good today. Im greatful to not be drunk/high or crave a drink today!
Ive been spending the money i save drinking and drugging buying positive things that make me greatful to be sober. Like a nice camera, and fly rods for my kids. 20 bucks a day adds up. 20 bucks is a very modest number for what wasted on killing myself slowly.
Im glad your all here! We got today!