I have completed my first week without alcohol and smoke. And tomorrow is my friend birthday, he said i have to drink tomorrow in anyhow. What should i do?
If you feel like he won’t take no for an answer, you definitely shouldn’t go. I went to a winery 2 weeks in and it was extremely hard, I made it out sober but I think that was a bad idea.I was offered a drink every 10 mins and that was after telling people no every time.
If you know you can’t say no yet, don’t go. If they are a good friend maybe try to make it up to them by taking them out to lunch sometime soon.
Also, make sure you tell them you aren’t drinking.I told my friend I wasn’t going to drink before hand. It was easier for me to tell her no when she offered it.Since she already knew, it’s going to take people awhile to get used to it, but one event at a time.
Thank a ton,. Now i know what i have to do
Good luck , hopefully it goes well!be strong
Thankyou so much miss ???
My name is Travis Gilbert jr i have been trying to quite drinking for almost 2 weeks now and its not going very good as soon as i started trying to quit drinking the whole world came down on me and i keep turning back to drinking and before i even think about it im drunk again now im stuck in a position where by the end of next week ill have lost just about everything and cant see a way out of it. I dwcided to quite drinking because in the past year i lost a family member and a friend to alcohol and dont want to end up like that but cant seem to stop
I know this feeling. I lost twins through miscarriage and had a 2 and a half year relatonship fall apart because of himy cheating and lying about it.
I felt too embarrassed to get help and drink was my crutch. After a horrible night I decided that was it. I didn’t want to end up harming myself more. The point is I know it’s hard to stop but you have to love yourself and know your worth. Believe you can get through it. Think on the right now, take things day by day and you can do it.
You are not alone! Believe it or not, You have been given a gift! The gift of pure desperation. You sound as if you are finally sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’ve been exactly where you’re at. A dear friend of mine, who just could not stay sober, was found dead in her home a week ago. She was just not ready and her disease took her. Alcoholism is a demoralizing, degrading disease and it twists our thoughts and emotions up so that we’ll keep coming back to it. It tries to convince us we can do this all by ourselves, until we fail again and then sink even deeper into it. I was at such a low in my life I was planning my death, I didn’t want to die but had no idea how to change or live life without drugs and alcohol, until a friend of mine introduced me to AA and I did what was suggested I do and my life began to completely change! Everything I had lost I eventually regained and then some. I’ve found a new strength and hope! Look up recovery programs in your area, whatever they are and find one that fits you, do whatever it takes, it’s so worth it. The longer you stay sober the farther away your past becomes! It’s awesome! You can do this!
Travis don’t worry, things will go wrong but you have to be strong enough for yourself. Keep trying my friend never lose hope☺ And you know what i told mine friend who was asking me to drink today on his birthday. I tell him that I’m quitting alcohol☺
So be positive dear,. Keep trying stay blessed.