I’m new to this. I’ve decided to give up alcohol indefinitely. I’m just a few days in and it’s been ok so far because I’ve had work to occupy me. But what do you guys do on weekend nights/days when all your friends are out drinking. I’m single as well. So I’m used to coming home and relaxing with wine and then maybe going out with friends. Now that’s not an option. HELP!

I find it comforting to read about other people’s strength and hope in sobriety from various sources. Here’s the list…please feel free to add to it:
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book
Healing the Addicted Brain
The Recovery Book
Being Sober
The Naked Mind
The Thinking Persons Guide to Recovery
The Mindfulness Workbook for Addiction
Drinking:A Love Story
Wasted Time
Between Breaths
Also, look up the following topics in the search engine within this app (magnifying glass above- I tried to copy and paste the posts but couldn’t figure it out.)
Feeling lonely? Worried about the Weekend?
Things to do instead of Using