What to do when you are asked to take a drink with someone new?

hello,my name is cassandra. I am an alcoholic
I have been sober for 8 days now.
people have been inviting me out to go for drinks and I have been staying strong and not giving into my weaknesses I am trying to find activities, etc other than drinking. have been talking to someone for over a year and finally we are able to meet tomorrow ! they suggested that we could take a drink tomorrow but I am unsure how to handle situations like this when it’s hard for me to suggest to do something else rather than going for a beer. I am not sure how to approach the situation (or any situation like this). advice would be greatly appreciated thank you!

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Take cranberry juice. That’s what I’m drinking tonight. I got off work and wanted to go out and see friends. Drunk people won’t know the difference. I’m three days and struggling a little but my friends are all for me.


Are u trying this alone or have you tried AA?

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You & @marty are totally my shrinks! You guys give the best advice! :smile_cat:


Wait till Robin sends you are invoices. If you take us out on one of those yachts will be good. JK~You help me just as much !


Bahaha! I wish @marty!!! :blush: :smile:

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I’ve been sober for over a year and one of the best things for me has been making sure I always take a replacement non-alcoholic drink when I’m out. But I always make sure it’s a nice drink, something a bit expensive if you have the extra cash like a mocktail or a fancy soda (which for me is easy spending a bit extra because alcohol used to cost me so much) and make sure what you’re drinking feels like a nice non-alcoholic treat. If you don’t want to tell them you’re sober it’s ok but it can be nice to practise dealing with the reactions you’re going to get.

It gets easier the more you just come out and say it. Refusing alcohol in social situations is like strengthening a muscle-you need to practise heaps and it’s hard but the muscles gets stronger the more you use it. Eventually the reactions will just become normal and they bounce right off you. Good luck :slight_smile:


Say whatever makes you comfortable in that situation. For me personally I tell people I am a recovering alcoholic and I don’t drink. I am not ashamed in my physical make up and anyone who would judge me for it aren’t worth becoming friends anyways. Most non alcoholics respect you more when you are honest


Im like you @Ben . Im not ashamed anymore and i tell folks im an alcoholic and a drug addict. If People find it strange well well what can i do about it. Absolutely nothing .i do this for my self . Im the boss in my own life and im proud. Stick to your choices life could be a hell of alot worse. For me death .

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Hey how’s has everything been going for you @Brooke.Ashley