Your lies are your trigger ???
My trigger is the feeling is gives me, if I’m down or bored I turn to the wine. 10 months sober, 3 months sober, 2 weeks sober, back to day 1.
Believing the BS my mind thinks about… like I’m missing out, or could be having fun, or that alcohol isn’t really a problem for me … all BS. Gotta remember these are just thoughts and I can notice them and let them pass. No need to believe them, and especially not going to act on them.
Yep at some point I will convince myself i am able to control my drinking again, one day I will tell myself that one won’t hurt. When you learn not to listen to these lies, you’ve cracked it
I haven’t had a relapse yet. I spent 18 years getting dry to get out of trouble then returning to drinking because I WASN’T DONE DRINKING. Even that one time I went 9 months after rehab, going to AA, even half assed working with a sponsor, I wasn’t done drinking and when the chips were down and the stress was high, I went right back to it.
Don’t kid yourselves that it’s external conditions or other people or an emotional state. You return to drinking because you are not done. And when you are done, when you are ready, nothing need ever get between you and sobriety.
This is me.
Unfortunately I had to cut out some friends. And just keep to myself… I can’t even listen to past stories from friends. Just makes me want to drink. I also have NO social media apps.
Triggers: memories, pics of “fun nights”, hearing other peoples experiences, work people challenging me on a drinking contest, party invites, feeling lonely… at this point everything is a trigger at times. I’m just too weak right now.
For me, relapse is more like covering the ground underneath me with gunpowder, then being surprised when it blows up. It’s a process of neglecting my healthy self then - to no one’s surprise - it blows up.
It’s not so much about a trigger, because when the ground underneath is covered in gunpowder, there’s a million things that can make it blow up