What was or is your addiction?

Mine was
Smoking cigs
Drinking alcohol
Porn everyday all day long!
Stopped all that cold Turkey :turkey::joy:
I still get urges from all of them from time to time.


Mine are Alcohol and Benzos. I stopped taking Benzos in my mid twenties and slowly slipped into alcoholism. 958 days off of alcohol now :muscle:t2:


Stronger then ever brother to keep that discipline cold turkey ? Talk about inner strength you rock !!!

Nicotine, but stopped >20 years ago
Anorexia/bulimia even longer ago
Alcohol more recently, that’s the main one
I’ve used other stuff but not as an obsession
And some dependency on prescription drugs, currently pregabalin and venlafaxine, gave up trazodone last year.
I was on benzos and barbiturates as a kid. Spent some of my school days stoned.


958 days :astonished: :innocent: wow thats amazing you have come a long way thats the goal :facepunch:t3:

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Yep :facepunch:t2: One day at a time.

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Gaming, YouTube, Twitch: 263 days
TV shows: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds. Not ready to give up TV shows yet, but tomorrow is the start of life going back to normal since I’ll be going back to proper school for the first time since November 27th last year


Congratulations my friend those are serious days you have keep racking them up !!! Really wow im excited for you :raised_hands:t4:

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Mine will forever be cocaine. :nose:


my addictions are

weed (some people would say its not addicting, but a dependency yes its there) 12 days off

alcohol (omg the missery it brought) 12 days off

ciggs ( a very havy smoker) 2 days off

been obbsesed for almost 17 years


your a good guy for all this support

keep trucking through it man :slight_smile:

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The drink. Oh, and shitty enabling relationships when I did!


Booze is my main problem.
Freebasing cocaine.
Xanax habit.
121 days off the booze and blow.
Valentine’s Day for the benzos.
Still smoking like a chimney and pretty much bleeding coffee, but I’ll cross that bridge at some point.


Wow, that’s a big and important lifestyle change. Hats off to you! :cowboy_hat_face::boom::balloon::tophat:

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Alcohol… even just drinking once a week, but heavily. 8 days without now :slight_smile:

Nicotine… I’ll wait until completing some time without drinking to tackle this. Atm I only vape/ juul for more than an year.

Recovered codependent after being in many chaotic relationships with narcissistic guys. Years in therapy to reach this point where I put my needs first, look after myself and feel happy for who I am. Self-love is transformational.


Mine is Alcohol

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In order of personal risk

  1. Alcohol
  2. Meth
  3. Downers/Benzoe
  4. MD/pills
  5. Weed

In order of amount used

  1. Weed
  2. Alcohol
  3. Meth
  4. Downers/Benzoe
  5. MD/pills


Tried everything else but crack in my 20’s. Was a pot head for a real long time. Quit the drugs in 87 to start a family. But the Booze kept me.


Oh and I was a butt head till 1987 when we started a fam.

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Any substances related to amphetamines that’s legal
And alcohol, mainly champagne.

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