What was the moment when you realised

Hey guys. I’m just curious.
What was the moment which made you realise that you want to stay sober?


A picture says a thousand words :zipper_mouth_face:


Effective though.


There were many Moments when I realized I want to stay sober: grades getting worse, not attending school, rather using than being with friends, never having money, losing 20 kg in 4 weeks, then there was a point where I threatened to stab someone. I wanted to stay sober all the time but I wanted to use one last time too. What helped me was getting my priorities in check.

I just know many addicts who want to stay sober but they prioritize some last high, one last trip or just this week or month of using and that’s it. What are your priorities? I’ve asked them. Answers, if honest are often of shame or not of total honesty. I was like this too, it’s hard to know I want to stay sober and at the same time want to use.


My first wake up call was when I felt flat faced at my table smashing everything on it and could not stand up again.
The day after was my day one…
Stayed sober for 5 years.
Decided that I was “cured” so started to drink again for 1 and a half year and saw my drinking return to the old days with blackouts and heavy drinking. My daughter made her point by saying “mom, I liked you more sober”. Two weeks later I finished my last bottle of wine and my cat trow the empty wine glass at the floor.
Then I decided: I had enough!

Today I’m more then 1 year sober :heart:


A year ago today I woke up with and ice pack on my face and asking my husband what happened? He said you fell and hit my face into our bed frame. I blacked out so bad I don’t remember it at all. I made a promise to myself to never drink alcohol again.


And you’re such an inspiration and help to others :grin::+1:


Middle of my last bender the one person who had stuck by me for 33 years said she couldnt do it anymore. Knew I was dying like my mum and voices and hallucinations had started at night. Finally admitted on my last night of drink it will never be any different and I’m an alcoholic. My only worry was whether they’d be enough time to sort myself out before I actually kicked the bucket.

AA didnt just save my life it gave me one. 451 days later. A drink doesnt even enter my head and I love my life :pray:


My head was constantly all over the place, around April/May and realised I was far too reliant on the pills from everything from going to work or even going for a family day out, then looking at my daughter thinking I’m destroying myself and what life am I going to give her if I end up in hospital or worse etc, as well as the pain I’m causing my missus with the mood swings and drama


topic to be deleted


Realizing that life is short. I watched a biography of a comedian called Bill Hicks that would drink himself stupid on stage. It trashed his career. He finally got clean and restarted but died of pancreatic cancer not long after. He was 32. I’m 31…

I’ve had too many of those moments. The problem is with depression finding the will to not give in and realize life is worth living.


That’s an interesting way to put the question.

What was the moment which made you realise that you want to stay sober?

I wanted to get sober and stay sober long before I was able to do that. To get to that point, to be able to stop, required a moment of grace from an unknown source, when time stopped and I heard inside my head the words “It’s gonna be alright. You’ll be able to stop drinking now.” That was in the middle of my last arrest for DUI, when I took my last drink, 14 and a half years ago.


Thank you for sharing!

I am very proud of each of us! Thank you for sharing all your stories :heart: You all are very strong!
I intentionaly used the word Want to stay sober rather than Need to, because I believe it is the key. Something what open our eyes. It is like wake up in the middle of blackout, init? Just realise…wow, I have a problem. And I don’t want this life anymore…
For me it was many moments which made me stop, because I felt like I should, like I need to. But it was always so hard. So difficult, because I missed alcohol and I was basically forcing myself to quit. But then I had the one when I felt that it’s enough and that I don’t want such a life anymore. I decided for the very first time I do not want to drink alcohol anymore.
And since that time it is easy. And it is getting even esier with every new day. I am becoming know my true self and I think that I am so amazing person. I love myself sober and I want to never change this again :heart::heart::heart:


This is a great topic. The first time was in 2004 and I was using cocaine pretty heavily and almost got into a horrific road rage incident. It was at that moment that I decided enough was enough. I found a therapist and for the first time said out loud, “I’m an addict, and I’m either going to kill myself or accidentially kill someone else”.

Sobriety lasted 5 years, then I relapsed, did some drugs, which I now haven’t touched in about 4 years, but…I’ve become a binge drinker. 11 days ago I felt like I hit bottom - it was the same exact feeling I had when I hit bottom in 2004. I pray it’s my last. Thanks for letting me share.


Alcohol is not my only addiction, too. I am now staying sober everywhere where I can. It is lifechanging. My achievemnt is absolute freedom from everything what has a negative impact on my life. And I am doing well I must say. I believe you will get here, too.
We all just need to find a true sence of life, bcs drugs and addictions are leading us only low. They are suppressing who we really are and why we are unique.
Believe me. You only need to find yourself behind all of this shit and appreciate the beauty of who you really are. Then you’ll never want to take anything anymore.


just another reason why i love cats :heart_eyes:


You can only hop your face off the sidewalk so many times before you have an epiphany of some sort.


Like many have said, I’ve wanted to be sober many times. But I’ve never had the desire to stay sober…
Until last week. I went to go visit a friend/potential romantic interest at his work (a bar, ha…) and he completely ignored me. I left and sent a text apologizing for whatever I had or hadn’t done to upset him. His response? “Do you not remember Sunday?”
No… no I didn’t.
Blackout me was on a bender that weekend and I can only imagine what happened.
This is a good person that I hurt and I don’t even know why.
Now, that’s a bad feeling. For some reason I’m ok with hurting myself but it feels so much worse to hurt someone else. So the next day I woke up and decided that it’s not fun anymore and I need help.
Woke up this morning, day 5. Already feel better and have more hope than I’ve had in 15 years.


I woke up and I wanted to be dead. And planning how to die. And realising it was because of drinking. And deciding I really wasn’t done with life. So I quit. Two weeks later I had one more bottle of wine. Realised I really didn’t like the taste or the effect. Good to remember that now. Thanks for the topic.