What's the worst thing you do when you've been drinking?

Spend all money drinking, using cocaine to drink more and more until the last minute to go to work. Sexual regrets. Making vomit in weddings. Talking secrets of my life with strangers. Speaking to the drug dealer that I’m a cop (I’m not a cop!). And fight with strangers.


I work at a bar as a cook. I stayed late to drink and decided to heat up some water in the kitchen for a hot water bottle (cause I lived out of my van). Well, long story short I left the gas and 1 pilot on, not remembering until the next morning. That was last week. It was my turning point.

Drink drive wake up in bed not having a clue where my car is searching all over my city having massive anxiety how or where I’ve parked

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Cutting myself, trying to start fights and fighting, fighting police n taking an over dose


Cheat on my husband, sexting, nudes, texting the exes ughhh, losing track of time, place just being out of control


Spousal abuse. I fucking hate that shit! I’m so mellow when I’m sober, but as soon as I drink fire water I become a horrendous monster. It’s all about ME! Thank you sobriety. I’m a kind woman again.


Omg i did the same thing I was making ribbs and they were dust when i woke up to a huge smoke cloud and did it again couple years later… so scary. So glad we r ok. We could of died if something caught on fire


I can forget the ‘bad, but not the worst’ things. This is one. I passed out in an armchair while smoking a cig. Came to with the chair smoldering, and my pants scorched. I jumped up and out of my pants, dumped the chair in the backyard and poured pans of water on it. Next day I cleaned up the mess and went right back to drinking and smoking. For another 15 years. I don’t have to live like that today, with help from my program of recovery and the grace of the divine.


Vomitting while sleeping. Many times waking up near the wc. Texting people in the midnight. Slept with my best male friend. Telling people my privacy issues. Suicidal thoughts. Many more…


This recent relapse was bad. I took a bottle of hundred proof to the head. Started a fire in a wheelbarrow in the backyard. Blackedout. Poured gasoline on it. Burned some painting from in the house. Told my wife i wanted a divorce (which i don’t and i can’t remember saying) and gave myself second degree burns on my hand. Im gonna probably have a permanent scar from this.

Im lucky she was willing to forgive me and that i didn’t get seriously hurt or burn down a structure or hurt somebody else. I hope that was my rock bottom. It was the worst night of drinking ive had in at least 10 years. Not a drop since.


I am short and sarcastic with my wife, when I drink . I have no patience and can’t stand to be bothered.
My wife is the kindest person I’ve ever met. Everyone who knows her says the same thing. She doesn’t deserve that, and I end up feeling like a complete and total turd, when I think about how I speak to her when I’m drunk.

She tells me that sober me is kind and thoughtful and respectful. That’s who I want to be. She deserves nothing less. That’s who she’s going to have forever.


Lied to my mother about why I needed to borrow money. Let my work go undone, maybe hurting people.

I fell inlove with someone who I shouldn’t have/just wanted to use me.

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7 year relationship with an abuser, most of our time together was spent drunk. I’d let him walk all over me break me down control and ruin my life.
Sex with random people, bad sex with not random people (I think that’s worse), made out with any one.
I try to fly… ended up in a rose bush once. I played it off like I was a florasexual… I literally do not know why my drunk ass self thought that would be better.
Tried to fly out of my 5th story bedroom window (Thank god I slept shirtless that day, only woke up cause of the jolt of cold air as I opened the window). I think that counts as a drunk suicide attempt.
Turn into a preacher. Speak in tongues. Projectile vomited on several former friends…
Become verbally abusive and read people.

Ya i do terrible things when I’m drunk. I’ve never written them out before.


Slept with my best friend (now our relationship is pretty much messed up)
Tried to run out of a Club totally drunk without paying my drinks. 2 doormen grabbed me and i payed everything (somehow). I lost half of my money 'cause i was too drunk to pick it up again, lost my jacket and got banned at the Club :+1:
“Cooked” something and almost set my appartment on fire
Threw up in public
Almost cut my left thumb while trying to cook
And a lot more i don’t remember any more

I do the absolute worst thing i could possibly do, and that is drive while absolutely tanked, and my horrible lack of morals.

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I ignored my family. Absolutely worst thing I could do. Drinking through dinner, passed out by 9pm. Just wasn’t emotionally present. Zombie dad.


Same story. Wrapped my new car around a lamppost last week.

Like how much detail should we go into? Cuz I would mix vodka and Ambien and not remember anything then come to find out I get really flirty and would give blowjobs to my brothers friends. That’s probably the worst for me. It was a while ago that I did stuff like that but ugh so happy I’m 8 days sober!


Here here!!! I feel you there my friend!!!

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