What's your how toos of getting over the hump as a former crystal user

Last year I was sober 250+ days… Now I’m back at 16 days. It’s so hard. I have horrible mood swings. My feet can’t stay still (I would bounce my feet when on a trip) even tho I’m sober. I’m depressed and going thru a break up too. Seems to much at the moment and could get better if I hit the pipe one more time. Not many knew I was a crystal user. I can’t bring it up now even tho I’m looking for support and help. Ugh today is hard.

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I’m approaching the one year mark being clean off meth. Given your sober time before you are well aware of what the withdrawals are going to feel like. Additionally, while in this moment getting high might feel like a good escape you know it isn’t.
I hope this message finds you in time.
Stay strong and focused.

In case you haven’t heard it today:


Thank you for your encouragement. I’m still going strong. Is what I’m going thru withdrawals? Or the great North seasonal blues lol. Either way I’m pushing on to another clean day!

And in case you haven’t heard it either your loved and your awesome!

Similar situation here, made it sober for what felt like over a year which was really only 3 months. Now after a couple more attempts and relapses later I’m trying again, but this time alone with nobody to go to which can be the hardest part.