Whats Your New Years Resolve?

For me, 2016 was a year of abundance! An abundance of growth, an abundance of loss, and an abundance of drinking it all away…

But towards the end of the year, I found a buried treasure deep within myself. After I shed all the excess that I had needlessly accumulated over the years by ridding myself of not only ‘things’ but qualities that no longer fit, I discovered that I was born a minimalist. No longer needing the exoskeleton of stuff that I had mindlessly acquired, I was free to clothe myself with the riches of nature and to collect and compile its lessons like a fine string of pearls.

The abundance of riches contained within simplicity is in everyone’s reach but very few can grasp its value. With the exception of books and dog accessories, I can’t get enough of nothing these days. I think that my biggest goal for 2017 is to acquire more of nothing and share its abundance with as many as I can.

Having learned how to live within nature and adopt its pace, now I hope to adopt its consumption habits, using only what I need and take in only whats necessary to grow.

I stumbled across this awesome documentary in a very timely manner. The book is even better! I especially like the analogy of getting rid of ‘anchors’ as all of us know what its like to be burdened and held down by the anchor of addiction and how freeing it is when we finally detach from it. Check out the documentary (on Netflix) or the book! “Minimalism: a documentary about the important things” and the book “Minimalism: Live a meaningful life”

What are you resolved to accomplish in the New Year… SOBER?


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