What's YOUR plan?

Welcome to the forum!! Im so sorry to hear that ur feeling so low due to a relapse. I was chronic relapser myself and every time i slipped up, i needed to take time to adjust my plan. What can i do differently next time? Do i need more support? What do i need to add or remove from my life so thar i dont relapse again?

Hope to see u checking in more. Hopefully this forum can be as big of help to u, as it is to me :slight_smile:

thanks , I’ll have this in mind

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I needed to read this. Its time to plan for the future, stop living in the past

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How are you doing today?

My plan is to always be inspired by people like you who have overcome so much adversity and still have such a positive attitude and kind soul. They don’t come much better than you Dana.

Day 5 of being sober and sticking to my plan. Also first day back at work for me since being on Dec holiday, and with no motivation at all, i managed to get a 30 minute gym session in at home. What a day its been. My craving is minimal, think this is due to all the pain it caused my family and me, so somehow suppressing my feelings (think iv just reached a point of enough is enough) and getting on with my plan. Seems to work.


2025 plan is to keep the focus on myself.


112 days clean, however, this is my first recovery journey. I finished a 90 day program which was very structured with tons of accountability. I left that recovery program house and moved into a sober living home. It’s a lovely place, and has all the niceties and extras. I lived in a storage unit with no bathroom or shower for 2 months, so I have no complaints about the home or rules. My concern surfaces when recognizing the structure of routines doesn’t exist here. I’m new to the recovery lifestyle. I’m at a loss with how to fill my day with meaningful purpose. Those who have been in long-term sobriety—do you have any tips or suggestions for planning daily activities, expectations or goals? Thanks


Hey there. Welcome :wave:

A few suggestions:

  • Recovery First: Are you currently in any kind of recovery programm? AA, Recovery Dharma, SMART, etc.? If not, check them out and join one that works for you. Attend a in-person/online meeting every single day, work the steps of the programm on a daily basis.
  • From your previous 90-days-program, what parts of the structure did you like most, which parts benefited you? Try to establish these kinds of things in your daily structure by yourself. Have a plan for every day. Establish daily routines. Form healthy habits.
  • Plan general things: self-care, hygiene, groceries, meals, exercise, work, spirituality, socializing, errands, todos, home care, etc. through your day and week.
  • Learn new things. Think about new things you would like to learn, try, find out about.

Everything is difficult in the beginning. Consistency is key.


Congrats on completing 90 days :people_hugging::v:

Everything is new, take your time to soak it all in. I would not jump into too many things, just learn about your environment, and practice what you have learned thus far. Purpose comes and goes, its ok to be in this disorienting phase.

Excited and happy for you :heart:

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*This post is amazing!
I feel some what alone at this moment… so many different emotions going through my head. I had 10 years replaced in 08/2020 got back on track and fell on my face may 2024 and keep drinking once a month after to try to see if i could control my drinking. My husband found out and says this is my last chance and took my car keys . I guess it’s time to work the steps and get a sponsor. I restarted my clock 12/08/2024.

I’m going to follow all your recommendations :white_heart::pray:t2:


Welcome!! Congratulations on ur clean time and for graduating ur 90 day program!
I am one of those people that need structure and routine in my day. So i understand fully what ur saying.

If i could offer any suggestions, i would first mention that having a recovery based morning routine to be crucial to set my day on the right foot! So for example: Reading daily reflections, reading certain passages from the Big Book/NA basic text, prayer, doing a gratitude list etc.

Then i usually fill my time with exercise, cleaning, self care, reading, work/volunteer work (giving back is important), 12 step meetings, and even trying out new hobbies to see what i liked.

I tend to have the need to feel productive so i even plan my day ahead of time so that i dont feel lost as to what to do. I usually do this the evening before.


Sticking to my routine which is working out studying and working. Spending time at least once a week with a sober friend. And prayers of course.


Going to meetings, looking for a home group and obtaining another sponsor working through the process of recovery. Currently living in a halfway house coming up on 60 days this friday!


Thats some good 411 there :ok_hand:

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