What's YOU'RE go to HAPPY song? 🎶 ~Trigger warnings~

I noticed a little while back that I couldn’t make it through one of my favorite albums Pink Floyd, The Wall anymore without having to change the mix real quick (for various reasons)… :radio::loud_sound::notes::neutral_face: This Alcohol addiction is really weird… Clean me is a better me in all area’s known to me though… :100: Trying to find my happy medium… So I’m building myself a new Sobrity Play List with Happy song’s (at least I can hide there a minute until I figure it out)… :notes::blush::notes:

I kind of need a little more to go on than this :arrow_down: (even though it does have the desired effect :joy:) so I can inform :speaking_head: Alexa so she can do her part in on this so I can get some clean laundry folded with a clean mind… :notes::neutral_face::notes:

Any suggestions are welcome… Thank you in advance!!!


This always perks me up!


Has to be at least 10 characters… :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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The Proclaimers - I´mhttps://youtu.be/tbNlMtqrYS0 Gonna Be (500 miles) - Live In Edinburgh

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Yeah it’s girly, don’t really care, it hypes me up


It’s a perfect recovery song too.


A happy beat and solid message


My 9 year old son likes him… :joy::joy::joy:

I’m only a few days in on knowing that I’m an Alcoholic and I’m literally feeling like I was better off in not knowing… At least I thought I was getting somewhere with the other bad shit that I’ve done and met goals on… I’m so confused I’m ready to go no net and stare at the wall again for another year (this time with no boze) and see what I can figure out… 🙆

But thank you all so much for the smiles!!! :100:

Might just call it a day and start fresh tomorrow… I still ain’t drank… Therefore I won’t die… Gotta look at the bright side… :joy::100:


night Alf :100::heart::100::100::pray:

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Night Paul… Thank you :stars:

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That’s actually a Portugese creole language :slight_smile:


Cool it now!!! By new edition! Really fun to listen to

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So is there a way or something that would block my body or brain from enjoying drinking or partying I really want this to end. I’m way to old to be doing this. I skipped work all weekend so I looks like I quit. Haven’t been home in days, i feel horrible, sad, angry, disgusting and disappointed with my actions. I don’t know why it’s so hard to stay away. 3 months of the best living I’ve had in years