When did cravings become less frequent for you?

how can one go from being so happy and proudly sober one hour then tge next hour being so preoccupied by the thought of a drink that their mouth waters? ahh. it will pass …right?


Let’s hope. Was just putting away dishes and saw all the liquor my husband got for Christmas from work. I ate a bunch of cookies and old Halloween candy. It is helping for now.:purple_heart:

I’m on day 27…and while the physical cravings seem to have passed I’m struggling with the emotional cravings. That alcoholic brain can be quite loud and annoying!!


After I got through a really difficult time WITHOUT drinking through it.
I was sober 3 weeks, and fights with my husband came up, my pets was killed. I wanted to drink soooo badly! Hub told me he wanted a divorce, bringing alcohol into the home. And him asking ME to dump it. TWICE!..now does this stuff usually happen like this? No. Everything is good…Now.
But I passed my test, I was serious about not drinking, sober is a good word, but I didn’t say " I wanna stay sober", I said “I won’t drink”. It was a resolve. The cravings stopped. Family is good…ups and downs. But shit, if I can get through that, the little stuff ain’t nothin’ :slight_smile:


thank you guys, i have never thought of alcohol being a poision in that way before. im out to decide if there is such a think as a normal drinker or not…not sure at the moment. thank you talking sober and participants for all the insight

i feel that my mind will grow and change greatly as i hit milestones 30 and 60 as @Oliverjava mentioned. …i think i should from now on look forward to that rather than a temoprary high of a substance