@Starlight14 I appreciate that, thank you. I think you hit it on the head, the interest waxing and waning. I mean I love this place and all it’s taught me, I just didn’t know if I was dependent on it or not.
Thanks for the feedback
@Butterflymoonwoman i hear ya Dana…it’s the taking the chance in the unknown that most concerns me. Like is this my consistent reminder that I need to stay the path. I don’t feel I am in jeopardy of slipping but is that because of this constant reminder or due to my own disinterest in drinking at this point?? I’m not sure. I’d like to think it’s my internal strength but how can you ever know without testing?? More thought needs to go into.
@acromouse I hear ya aga, I’ve accepted that I’m a problem drinker and with that I accept that being healed is unlikely and not a term I’ve thought of in my sense. Something feels different as I’ve abstained many times before. This time I just don’t have the interest, at least currently… that said, I’m aware that it’s always there… lurking in the shadows and I need to maintain vigilance…
@Kareness , I have no other supports realistically and have till this point never asked for or required help for pretty much anything in my life. But I do see your point of understanding what has given me and helped me in this opportunity. I’m
Just not sure where that real strength came from. I know I’ve always appreciated the insight, stories and past from all the people here that I drew from, but then I needed to be strong also and put in work and focus, find new things to enjoy more than the drink itself…
@Steve14 I think you and I are very much the same my friend. We work, we do for ourselves and we take pride in our abilities, but we are humble enough to know we do draw strength from others and respect and appreciate them and that educational awareness.
@Matt thanks Matt, I have been contemplating that fear for a few days now and will recognize that I need to be ever mindful. I have mentioned AA before, more out of curiosity than anything. I do still have that in my head as well but currently it just isn’t conducive to my schedule of getting up at 3:30am… that said, perhaps I will keep watch on it in case of a time change and or think on it for fall when my businesses turn down… I appreciate your thoughts and memory of my previous references. I need to keep other tools oppts open.
@Ray_M_C_Laren the consistent Ray. You are the one that has that bug in my ear of getting to AA and I appreciate you speaking consistently of a program that works and has helped so many tens or hundreds of thousands that came before me. I appreciate you and your focused message!
@SassyRocks the voice of constant reason and understanding. I think much like you that is how I am leaning. I would never give up on this place at all, as I love too many stories, teachings and people along the way. It was a tad of guilt speaking perhaps for not being as engaged as much as I had been, but perhaps that is something I am learning also.
Allow this place to grow and change and come back and be involved and engaged as much or as little as the time dictates. It’s not like I am single handedly saving anyone, though I do like to think a story here or there motivates someone. But those stories will always be here for anyone to read and take from what they want when they want like I did when I spent t countless hours reading and absorbing older threads and learning.
I think I have and will evolve more as I go and understand this place is always here for me when I need, as I will be for it if called on ever.
As I say all, this place has given me so so much and I adore it and you all for the countless interactions. I will always be here and perhaps engage more at some points than others, and I think that is ok.
My journey changes and evolves like myself. I am loving who I am becoming in these changes and I absolutely give gratefulness to sobriety being the caveat to that great change in me… I am blessed to have this new life that I am digging, even if it means for some strange reason I am in love with manual labor right now and working countless hours… mostly because I feel I can for the first time in my life.