When is your Birthday🎂🍨🎈🎈 Just for fun! What your Zodiac Sign🦁

Belly button birthday is April 24th, stubborn old bull here.:water_buffalo::water_buffalo::water_buffalo::water_buffalo::water_buffalo:

June 8th 1987 Gemini the twins… My evil twin side has finally been put to sleep for now and letting my good twin shine bright :wink:

September 5th :wink: :virgo:

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OMG my mom is a libra the 21st and she calls me kater :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Wohoo! :clap:

I didn’t share my birthday in hopes that no one knows when it is. I have a resentment against birthdays and I’m not sure why

I will deny it if asked, but I’m 32 as well. My last birthday I was locked in my apartment getting high, but the ones before that were usually fun. I just don’t like them lol.

Mine’s this Friday! Taurus :taurus:

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That sounds a lot like me, just turned 34 last sat. and I’d been in and out of the hospital constantly since I turned 30 with a tumor and pancreatitis flare ups, I pretty much owe my life to UNC and Johns Hopkins oncology departments at this point. @Englishd you’ll enjoy them more when the next one comes around, I always did the same thing, but this year was by far the best one since I was a teenager.

October 26th Scorpios are awesome :wink:

Ouch, that had to suck I was lucky enough to not need a vent or feeding tube but everything I took in had to come from an iv, I’d been on the calories in a can diet for so long I’d go days without eating but you dont miss it til it’s gone lol, it took an act of congress to get em to let me chew on ice chips and they were giving me dilaudid and morphine bc I couldn’t take pills and that stuff seemed to work for about 10 mins b4 it wore off. I was afraid to tell em I was taking more oxycontin just to get out of bed in the morning than they were giving me in 12 hours cuz I thought they’d take that little bit away or not believe me when they asked what my pain level was at.

September 12

Virgo :virgo:


March 7th pisces

September 11 virgo :virgo:


Well I never - snap!

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26th July I’m a leo :lion:


Woah, a lot of us Virgos at the moment :virgo:

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Just had my 49th April 29th Taurus

22nd of August - Leo :lion::leo: :smile:

June 11th- Gemini :dancing_women:‍♀️