When is your Birthday🎂🍨🎈🎈 Just for fun! What your Zodiac Sign🦁


August 26, virgo

October 27th. Scorpio. Definitely fit a lot of the stereotypes tied to that!

Pretty close to you guys. March 30th, Aries!

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August 11th, A leo☺

Same day as me. :blush:

November 16.100% Scorpio

capricorn:Capricorn – the Goat of Fear A goat with the tail of a fish is created to face fear and create panic. It is the sign of decisions made to be protected from monsters in our minds, lives, and immediate physical surrounding. Always ready to transform into something that scares those scary things off, Capricorn speaks of each natural chain reaction of fear, where one scary thing leads to many others, rising up as defensive mechanisms that only make things worse. Immersed in their secrecy, they face the world just as they are – brave enough to never run away, but constantly afraid of their inner monsters.

I’m June 10th as well! Yay for birthday twins!

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