When life gives you shit and you gust want to say fuck it

well I don’t now what kinda shit people have in there life but mine I can gust tell you if I didn’t have the little circle of people that are supporting of me i would be so doing stupid stuff right about now

But not always the little circle that you have will always be there for you or always want to support you so sometimes you are on your own

And let me tell you that’s really hard especially when you are mentally I’ll and you have in the past abused a lot of different things and for everyone it’s different but for me it’s self harm alcohol pills and mental health

Wich I have for mental illnesses is seevere depression severe anxiety and social anxiety and PTSD and among other things to the list gust goes on but I now and in my opinion everyone should now they shouldn’t yous there shit in there life as an escuse for doing anything they have abused in the past so for that being said I have existing news I have

1 year and 03 months with no unperscribed meds

And 11 months and 23 days with no self harm and

11 months and 14 days with no alcohol

I am not bringing im gust so proud of myself because every single day I struggle but I try my hardest to keep my spirits up no matter what kinda shit my life brings and it is so damn hard

And a nother reason why I am reaching out is I am having a hard day to day and I am thinking about picking up so I wanted to reach out and to see what kinda skills I could use to help myself because to day I feel like I am all over the place and all I can think about is if I start doing this stuff again I won’t feel like I am now you now so if anyone has any advice for me that would be greatly appreciated thank for reading hope you guys have an amazing day today talk sometime soon :blush:


When I began to cultivate a sense that I have a role in the universe, that I do fit and belong somewhere, that I could in times of turmoil tap into a strength I did not know I that had or that was available to me, then I began to get the feeling that I am never truly alone.

Faith that everything is gonna be alright goes a long long way with me.


Congrats on all your day counts. You already know picking up wont help. I’m sure there were times when you were using, where you were desperste to be where you are now, so don’t give in to that sneaky addict voice. I relapsed before so I can tell you it wont make anything better, and it’s definitely not worth it. I have mental illness myself and can empathise with how every day can be a struggle, but I know it was even worse when I was using.

Sending strength.



Your doing great it seems like keep up the good work for sure!


How are things going for you now a few days later? The progress you made in the areas you mentioned is good amd its also great that you reached out here for support BEFORE you gave into any urge.