Goals are part of what keeps our sanity in the insane times of the first year of sobreity. Where does everybody want to be in 1 year or what do you want accomplished. For me:
A year sober of course
Decent savings for a house
Somewhat decent on the guitar
Fix my lower back
Know exactly what I want to go to college for
Visit Peru and hike the Incan trail to Machu Picchu
Hopefully find a better first job that is 9-5
Quit smoking cigarettes
Continue to kick ass at airsoft/paintball
lol for me to think a year down the road might as well be like asking where i want to be in 50!
I can’t think that far down the road or i get frustrated with today and tomorrow
@Tyler_Neal_Carlson Thanks for sharing, great idea! I agree with you, it’s important to set goals.
Grow stronger in my relationship with my saviour!
I would love to accomplish my 1year milestone
of sobriety!
Continue to renew my mind, body & soul!
Be cigarette free!
Continue to develop my career in the medical
field & grow strong relationships w/co-workers
Go on a missionary trip to another country!
Continue to make healthier habits with eating &
working out!
Finish reading self developing books & others!
Develop my artistic skills with painting! 10.Be debt free!!! (school loan mainly)
And the list goes on and on lol Thanks for bringing it up to my attention, looking foward to start checking these goals out! Have a blessed day!
Lets see in a year I wish to be celebrating one year sober.
Loose weight and be more healthy
Be in a job that I enjoy
Travel somewhere exotic
Be financially stable
In a new house
Kick the bloody cigarettes
Be more relaxed
Challenge myself more
Living life to the fullest
No regrets
Loving the lists guys and rikk I’m picking one up today. My buddy who’s been playing for years is helping me pick out a decent starter guitar for under 200.
Ibanez makes great guitars for under 200, i have a Gibson epiphone slash edition i got for around 200, came with everything…Amp, built in tuner in the guitar, strap, cord, picks, etc…
Definitley a great stress reliever…good luck!