Who or what is your reason for staying sober?

Stay stong LaVonne i will keep u in my preyers

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Stay strong sarath i will keep in my preyers

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Dawn5472 i feel u 100% stay strong i will keep u in my prayers

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Yess Pamela stay strong i will keep u in my prayers

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Vanessa8 keep ur head up i will keep u in my prayers

Thanks for your support

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Thanks @Candi87

I will pray for you too

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I tried getting sober for my daughter. I tried getting sober for my ex. It didnā€™t work. I have to be the reason. Being sober for myself results in me being sober for everyone else.

Alcohol took me to a depth of depression I never even knew existed. Had I gone any further, Iā€™d be dead. To willingly choose to go back to that hell is the single most idiotic decision I could ever make. Period! I never want to feel like that again.


A promise to my late Father would be the major one,I like to think he helps me out when things get a bit rough, but my health would come into aswell,the healthier I am the longer ill be around for my children and grandchildren.
Although i was a functioning alcoholic I feel now im functioning to higher standard all round my life.
Also the thought of day one depresses and scares the life out of me.NO going back ! :pray:


Yessss i love it stay strong on ur journey

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Sweet so happy 4 u stay strong i will keep u in my prayers

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I got sober because I was done with life. The life I was living was going nowhere and it was slowly killing me and my relationship with my husband. Something had to change if I wanted to live to see my 40sā€¦ so it did. Now Iā€™m coming up to 2 years sober in January and things may not be perfect, but have improved tenfold.


Yessss so happy 4 u Amy , stay strong i will pray 4 u n ur journey :heart:

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I got sober for me, for once. I always got sober for other people in the past. To please other people. And, strangely enough, I also relapsed to please other people. Just to be loved ? That I wasnā€™t enough somehow. And I think now of the character of the people I wanted so desperately to impress. How small they really are, how unkind, how sick. How unimpressive. What was I thinking?

Now itā€™s only for me. It is a very lonely road. Sometimes I could just split in half it is so painful. Then you catch yourself. Am I really alone and hurting because I ditched the old group? No. Thereā€™s the trap. That you need the approval of effed up people to be happy, get sober, enjoy your work, be in a relationship, anything goodā€¦

I gotta stop when I do that. Who is really with me? For real. Not someone who would backstab or betray. Yes, getting sober is for me. But I need people in my life for sure. Staying sober indirectly brings people in because it helps me be a better human. Champions maybe. Just good energy and influence. For regular life. For company and friendship. Maybe a partner.

I still have a few steady friends of many years, all distant. My big brother is farther away now. Most of my family is passed. I have new friends in recovery sprinkled around the States and the world.

Sometimes I still long for the familiar old crowd, no matter how bad it was. I imagine qualities these people donā€™t actually have. When youā€™re hurting, they could have eight arms to hold you but wouldnā€™t spare one if there was no party involved.

Just have to rememberā€¦and take off the rose coloured glasses. Patience. If I get sober for me, do the hard work, and not let anyone influence it, things fall into place and the new relationships appear and develop seemingly on their own.

Yeah, I do need people and support. But I no longer think of other people as having the power to keep me sober or get me drunk. Extremely dangerous and likely to fail. What if the husband, who I put on a damned pedestal and even got sober forā€¦.what if one day he decided to go on a drug binge and leave me? What happens to my sobriety? It canā€™t ever be contingent on someone else because people let us down. Just like we make mistakes.Too risky. Human condition. Weā€™re the only ones that are 100 percent with us. Always.

Eek, this is long but thank you for letting me ramble. I had a 6 year stretch of sobriety that I threw away because I thought these strange people were important. I gave them the power to kill me. No more!



Well said my friend i hope your ok on this journey , we are all here 4 u , feel free to pm me if ya want

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I would say I did it for me, but I was on a path to not be on this planet anymore. I had a good life at one point. Father to my daughters, good job, family life, etcā€¦ the ā€œAmerican Dreamā€
But alcohol ruined me. The normalizing of drinking ruined me. Then when I lost it all, I leaned on drugs because I didnā€™t care anymore. Jesus saved me this time. Iā€™m doing it for him. He paid the ultimate sacrifice. No matter how hard I tried to leave this world, he kept me here for something. I finally surrendered completely to him. Is it a struggle yes, but I know heā€™s going to use me for his good and my testimony is going to do wonders. Iā€™m starting to live again!


Yesss i love it thank you for sharing , u n i have alot similar, i will keep u in my prayers , may the lord shine through you always , stay strong my friend

The people who helped me. I was going through a horrible time and somehow there were still people, people I barely knew before, who suddenly were ther for me and supported me through everything. They have no idea how much they mean to me


Iā€™m going on 15 years sober and I am my reason!! I love the new, sober me!!! I remember everything I do and I no longer have to worry about crapola stuff I did during a black out!! I am teaching myself our traditions that I had no desire to learn when I was drinking!! I enjoy hunting and fishing again!!! I see people who I used to drink with and boy oh boy!!! Buffalo breath, alcohol odor easing outta their poresā€¦reminds me of what I used to smell like!!! Now I smell purtty!! lol Iā€™m enjoying the canning, beading, shoot Iā€™m enjoying it all Sober!!!

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Clean and sober since 1984, and I only did it because the booze stopped giving me the delirium and blackouts I wanted. When the booze couldnā€™t make me feel obliterated anymore, it was time to do something else. I had been drinking daily morning to night for over 15 years, and suddenly I had to face myself again.

Guess what? Once I had some clean time, I started to like myself and how I acted, and I began to enjoy and nourish relationships. Sober beats drunk every day now !!