Why did i talkto her she makes me want to drink my sorrows away

Smart move. Do you have a supportive family member that can come and help you for a bit?

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Thank you thats why i joined the group it helps to have someone to talk to my wife is my best friend

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I live with my mother now i left her a few months ago with my kids and when i left that when things went from bad to worse

I have to agree with @Kat26. It sounds like some counseling may help. Have you tried that route yet? You are dealing with a lot right now and extra support could help.

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I want to thank everyone that writes. I realy helps when i feel alone and there is someone her to talk to

No never counseling

Anytime Adrian :heart: You may want to look into it. It could help tremendously.

Are they her kids also? Sounds like she needs intervention. Really you cant help people until they area ready. Best to look after yourself until then. My mum is probably doing the same or similar thing and no one can help her because she doesnt want to.

It’s not good for you or the kids to keep getting excited that shes coming back just for it to fall apart and be disappointed. Very confusing for all involved. Except her. She knows whats going on. The crap makes people forget whats important to them. What are you gonna do?


Idk i need to walk away its so hard being with only one person and for 20 years

Where are you from? I’m Mick.

i live houston

Inbox me bro

Idk how ive only been on here a couple of days