Why have i done this

After 278 days sober i relapsed last night. I have no idea what triggered this as i have been in high risk situations prior to this and managed to abstain. My partner was disappointed but amazingly supportive but i have repaid him by buying beers as soon as he left for work this morning. I am so angry and upset with myself that i have undone all the hard work i did


You haven’t undone all of your hard work. 278 days is an amazing accomplishment. That’s longer than I have ever been sober. Get back on the wagon, you’ve got this.


Well done on 278 days dont know if your tried a meeting they helped me stay sober wish you well


278 days gives you a lot of experiance and that is not wasted!!! You know what to do. New day and hoping you can enjoy it. Best wishes.


Just count it as a blow out now time to get back at it

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Your streak is exactly ten times longer than my current one. That’s a great accomplishment! Forgive yourself, get back on the train, and continue being an inspiration for those of us who have yet to reach triple digits!


Get back on the wagon sweetie! I have never in my adult life went 278 whole days without drinking that is still an amazing accomplishment. And now you can take all the knowledge you’ve gained during that time and apply it to this try. Keep trying you can absolutely do it:)


Youre not alone bro…im in a relapse now after making it 110 days. Weve lost our clean streak but we havent lost our experience! We can fo this! :slight_smile:


Thank you for posting. It’s a great example of why you shouldn’t test your sobriety. Sure you survived plenty of “high risk” situations, but that didn’t matter. It only takes one of these situations to go right back to our old behavior. I hope a lot of people can learn from this.

Continuing the discussion from Why would you "test" your sobriety?:


I slipped last night too after 6 weeks sober. Had to plan a “happy hour” event for a small group of people, told myself one glass of wine wouldn’t hurt. Well, by the end of the night make that nearly 2 bottles to myself and a mixed vodka drink. Broke down crying when I got home last night, woke up feeling (and still currently) feeling like shit and the anxiety has been off the charts today.

That being said though, my daily app message was “if you fell down yesterday, get back up today.” This hasn’t erased all the hard work you’ve put in, you just have to step back and evaluate why now? You’ve got this!!


You haven’t lost anything you learned during those 278 days. You still have the tools, strategies, and self knowledge you gained in that time.

How did you maintain a stretch that long? Did you stop doing something that was working for you? Something you might need to start again?

Try not to stay mired down in this slip. Get back up and be the sober person you have learned to be. You already see what happens when people like us reopen the door to alcohol. Close it quickly.


While things were a disaster, I wasn’t a Bowery bum so the thought that I could even have an issue with alcohol that Goat couldn’t control wasn’t even on my radar. For Goat, the hardest thing to come to grips with was this new identity, that Goat was an alcoholic and what that meant. My condition wasn’t a moral failing or a lack of will power. I wasn’t a bad horrible person for that (there were plenty of other things I did to deserve that). Once I had that first drink, I never had a guarantee as to where I would end up.

You are back here which is a good first step. Now you have some homework to do to figure out what to do differently and to honestly look at yourself. If you ask, there are plenty of people here willing to help and share with you how that looked for them.


You learned a lot in 278 days. You learned a lot in the relapse. Use both to make you stronger. It is so easy for people like us to fall.

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This actually happens with me too… when my mind says… just one drink… go for it and after that… i am on a binge…
Uff… the only thing is… to just not touch it… come what may!!!

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Its a fkn awefull desease…i lost count of how many times i fell back to my old habbits…cuz then it felt good at the time…but youve got this! Today ive been 1 week sober…the the longest time over 5 years or so.
You know you stayed sober before so you can do it again!!
Stay strong -xo-

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Thank you all so much for your words of support and encouragement. I stopped yesterday after 2 beers in the morning, which for me is good as usually my binges last 2-3 weeks. Just need to pick myself up and try again