Why is every day a reset?

I’ll make it 16-20 hours and BOOM! Gotta reset again. :dotted_line_face: I read, I watch shows, I play my kanoodle. But I can’t keep my mind from it and once it’s in my head, I get it.


Welcome, Samantha. You are in good company here. Read around, and see what you find helpful. I’m not sure what your particular addiction is, but there is a lot of support and good advice here no matter what it is.


U doing ok? Ok it’s hard. This community is here for u!


Welcome Samantha. Sounds like trying to distract yourself isn’t keeping you from using. Read around . Perhaps you will find something useful. Do keep trying. Do you have peer support other than TS? Stay strong :muscle:


This was me too until I reached a very new bottom last night that involved a chipped tooth from a fall, a bloody knee and no memory of picking up my son or walking home. Scared the death out of me and now this will force me to quit. Stay ahead of it before you reach a new low like me :frowning: I am very fortunate it wasn’t much worse.


I know that for me when I stopped trying to distract myself from the thing I wanted to not think about-using, that just make it worse. I made real progress when I started to surround myself with clean and sober people daily, people who had walked the path that I wanted to tread🙏


Same happened to me, but instead of a bloody knee, I busted my lip - and I had the same response: thankfully this wasn’t worse, and this can never happen again. Hitting rock bottom means there’s no where to go but up!

I also used to feel like I could skate by “just fine” being hungover or semi-present; it’s incredible how things are different when you have a totally clear mind and body.


Same here pal. Thank you for honesty. I’ve reset over a hundred times, literally. Just be true to yourself, keep getting up and try again. Just reset, put in a journal entry as to what happened- why you gave a greenlight, enforce your recovery tools and cone back stronger​:v:t4::muscle:t4::wave:t4:


Plan to give up for one day and if succeesfull then another.


Thanks everyone! Going on 45 hours and I’m struggling. I spent all day yesterday and didn’t even think of it for a second. But today, it won’t get out of my head. I can FEEL myself making excuses in my head and I can feel myself caving. I’m trying so hard not to. I’m at my boring job today, reading my book and trying to keep my mind busy, but it’s not working very well.


Hi! In addition to mentally distracting yourself - are other things you could quietly do at your job to take your mind off booze? Stretches at your desk, or small exercises? Can you plan meals for yourself? Or plan for a holiday event - factoring in that you’re going to be feeling amazing and present :smiley:

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Hope this link works. If not, type in the search bar. There are many tools people use to get and stay sober. If you keep resetting, it’s not that you’re a failure, it’s just that you need more tools.