Weirdest places you hid your DOC…Time To Laugh at Ourselves!

Ohhhh. She would have been pissed had she found it!!

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used to hid my bottle in the waste bin in park so in the morning i could get a buzz on the way to work walking through park and one morning it wasnt there said to myself some alkie has stole it lol . used to put my empty vodka bottles under my seat in car my ex wife wasnt to happy when she was driving it and putting the brake on at lights a half doz of empty bottles gathered round he feet lol


It was stolen:-) Or they emptied the garbage can! Park walks are so much better now😘


Lmfao most definitely


I was cleaning out my art room a few days after I quit drinking. It kind of became a catch all room and was such a mess in there… I knew my husband wouldn’t even go in because it made him crazy :laughing:
I would day drink and if he got home/came in from outside/etc., I’d run in and stash whatever I was drinking in random messy places in there… I found empty cans in a tote bag in the closet, a glass with dried up remnants of wine on the floor…
Ugh. :woman_facepalming:t3:
I was embarrassed for myself to say the least.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derailment void 2021

I used to watch a British cop series called “The Sweeney”. They always had a bottle of Scotch in the top drawer of their filing cabinet, so when I had a home office built in the garden, so did I. It soon had more empties than paper work. :file_cabinet:


OH man… That is hilarious. Way to pre plan!

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I have a pretty large collection of camping gear, backpacks included. For a time after I quit drinking, I would find empty vodka bottles tucked into the pockets and compartments of my packs.
In the cargo area of my car, there’s two compartments for tools. I found some mini bottles in there not long ago and under the spare tire, some empties of the minis.


I was boring & never really tried to be creative.
However, I knew a fellow drinker who disconnected his windshield wiper tube from the blades and extended the tube to inside the cab of his truck. Hit the button…Said the tank held almost 2 full 1/2 Gallons at a time. Yeah, he’s dead now.


Oh my!! :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

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My husband calls me a bag lady…because I collect bags of all kinds, not purses, exactly, but more like crafting bags. Well…they became not just my yarn stash holders, but stash of the liquid kind. And empties. And the anxiety I felt when my husband would ask where to find a needle and thread in my crafting space, oh my! “I don’t know, I need to look for it, just give me a minute I’ll bring it to you…” :woman_facepalming:


Holy shit balls! :flushed:


See? Crafting and art spaces! Lots of hiding spots… :woman_shrugging:t3:


I’ve never hidden my alcohol, but when I was using Amphetamines I used to hide them in a classic way. In an empty DVD case. Different ones everytime ofc. And placed in the movie shelf,nice and tidy. Usually I didn’t remember which case so I had to go through them all a lot of times.


Ok, found it!
Washing machine, GOT CAUGHT. I was going to do some laundry and found it, as I pulled it out my husband just happend to pass by…red handed, ruined that perfect good Saturday. one time under my spare tire in my car… DIDN’T GET CAUGHT.


Haha everyone’s comments are so funny. Wish I had something to add but honestly my DOC never lasted long enough to hide it :laughing:


I used to hide alcohol in my stomach and cocaine and heroin in my blood stream.


One time I filled a regular bottle of Disani slap to the top with my “other” clear liquid. And had no memory of it. So one morning while I’m being raked through the coals…a morning ritual… I was forever in the dog house. Hes gabbing away and I dive into the fridge pop open the water/vodka and turned it up right in front of him. That was a priceless moment… trying not to react with the proper BURN and GAGGING… while he continues telling I’m an alcoholic…
That Dasani made it through many of his searches… lololol. And mine, lol


Omg yes! This was me, too! :roll_eyes::rofl: