Will not give up

I know that no matter how many times I reset, I am still trying. Giving it another shot over and over and over again. But the days in between grow bigger and bigger and thats great. But i feel like it gets harder and harder every time to stop, to deal with the emotions or to feeling like complete crap. And thats when i feel down on myself and ashamed and i hate feeling that way. I dont not want to focus on the resets and more on the progress I am making but i’m also scared to keep falling down. I’ve had several bad rock bottoms. I am so happy to have this app, my day is better when I check in. I want to beat this so bad im willing to do anything and everything to stop. Going to beat this I just know it! Tomorrow is a new day and I cant change the past and thats ok because I can choose to not drink over it or over anything else. Its not worth it. Thanks for reading


It’s sounds like you have the motivation and your making progress!

So, the next step is to make changes to prevent the lapses. Easier said than done, but taking steps to keep your sobriety streak going is a must.

Just not drinking isn’t necessarily the only goal, but also addressing the underlying issues we use as reasons to drink. Coming to terms/peace with them will truly help you grow.

For a very long time, I struggled with relapse followed by worse consequences. I would return to drinking with the idea that maybe I could get away with it and not have consequences. When I was forced to learn how long one day is, from rising in the morning until my head hit the pillow at night, then I was able to focus on not drinking fit that one day only. And as shattered_dreams wrote, I could use that time to do the things that helped me to stay sober, like writing in my journal, going to AA meetings, calling other sober people and my sponsor.

Good luck.

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Maybe a meeting will help you it did for me not for everyone but youl have sober company and phone numbers in case you need to talk rather than drink best of luck

Thats what i was thinking about last night, i wrote about what triggers me. Im going to start carrying my journal around because i have stories and so many reasons written down that would stop me from even thinking about that first drink.

Thank u for the advice. Trying to make it to meetings again but its a little hard so just trying to stay connected and talk about it as much as i can. I think im going to carry my journal with me, so when I need a reminder I can just open it up and it will help me remember why I dont want to pick that first drink up

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I’m on my 6th day, longest in four years of the times I tried to stop, I’m an emotional mess, I feel like punching a punching bag, literally, but I’m not gonna drink.


@Allie82 have you considered buying a punch bag and using it at home? Would be fabulous therapy for alcohol and stress.

i’m doing this :sunglasses: when i’m really fed up with everything i punch my couch pillows

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I was 22 when i realized i had a problem. I started drinking in college at the age of 20 quit drinking for my daughter when i was 23 and stayed sober for her but i went back out when she was about a year and a half and shes 3 now and i want to be that person i was before for her but mostly me because i cant take care of her if I cant take care of me first. Need to be strong and no matter what dont give in. For me I need to avoid people that drink right now because thats when I give in. Till im strong enough to be ok with it being around me.