Wired at bedtime

I’m on day 8 of being alcohol free.when it’s time to go to bed I am wired and the slightest sound wakes me like I’m sleeping with one eye open,is this a normal thing


I have this same issue at first coming off alcohol. What I started to do was drink alot of calming warm teas before bed! Other items are hope my cat stays off my head as well.


Yes booze has been a sleep aid for me and my mind is running circles last three nights


The first days sober I have slept like a baby. Now I start to wake up between 2 and 3 a.m. like in the drinking time. But without hangover of course. I just take it, hope it will be better soon.


Sleep was pretty elusive early on. Maybe the first 3 weeks I wasn’t sleeping great. Hard time falling asleep, waking up and staying up for hours, sweating in my sleep; all that.

But the thing is, when you drink and pass out, your brain never goes into deep sleep, so while you are unconscious, you’re not really recharging, so you will wake up tired and groggy. Similar to the first few weeks, but it’s a different tired, it’s easily shakable, unlike a hangover.

Things that help, cut down on caffeine if you drink caffeine. Do 30 min of cardio a day. Have a well balanced diet. Vitamins (B complex, magnesium), no screen time at night, and melatonin an hour before bed.

By 21 days, you will likely be having the best sleep you’ve had in a long time!


Yeah, sleep pattern got all over the place for me for about 3 weeks. Go with it. If you find yourself lieing in bed, get up have a chamomile tea and read a book or do something relaxing.
There are meditation aids on you tube that can help.
And look after yourself. Tiredness can help lead to relapse, take it easy when you can, hot baths and relaxing music. Self care is so important.

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I find this app soooo relaxing. The woman’s voice is so soothing I nod off in no time :blush: