With a heavy heart

It is with a heavy heart and massive disappointment that I reset my counter this morning after 12 days. I am trying my best to keep my head held high and not allow to the self hate going on in there to drag me down.


There’s lessons to be had in the slips. We’ve all made bad choices, we’re addicts. Ive heard of people with 30+ years clean turn back to drinking and drugging. All we really have is today. Is there something you can do to strengthen your sobriety today?


today is a new day, as is tomorrow. learn from what caused you to use and take those tools and work them everyday. x


With what are you try being sober Alcohol?

Dont be to hard on yourself, i relapsed a couple of times as well.
My sponsor said…if u stand up more then u fall …u make it…


1 in 12 is amazing I will take them odds any day, you will never lose them, set yourself up for one more sober day and before you know it you’ve done another 12. If I told you at the start that in the next 24 days your gonna drink once you would tell me to GTFOOH… Also be proud that you reset, lots of people go “oh it doesn’t count its only a few” your honesty will give you a full sense of pride in the days to come.


Yes Alcohol

Maybe a meeting might help wish you well


Don’t be hard on yourself. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back to healing!

There is a saying, “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” It is about resilience. Remember, you can’t change the past but you can learn from it. Think about why you relapsed, what you were thinking and doing right before it happened, and how would you handle things different if (when) the situation happens again.

You can do this! Keep trying and keep reaching out!


You are right… :100: Don’t let self hate drag you down… :100: It doesn’t heal… :100: Getting past what made you relapse does… So here’s to a brand new start to a way better life… Don’t fall in the same trap twice… :point_up::blush:


I’m sorry to hear that , but remember relapse isn’t failure , just pick yourself up and try to figure out what went wrong , also , don’t do it alone, go to an AA meeting and meet other alcoholics, I can vouch for it , I’m going in 3 months when in the pass I barely made it 30 days. It saved my life and I’m genuinely content with the person I am now , granted , I’m still a work in progress but I’m 100 times better then what I was a few months ago…best if luck to you.


Hi there, don’t feel bad, I’m new to the group and just reset my clock now after being sober since Sunday . I’m reading up about whether I need to join AA. For me I lapsed because I justified it . I’ve given myself a week to be naughty , that was my excuse. I’m turning 40 on Tuesday and my gym membership will be activated at the end of next week. My children will he starting school and for me I think it will be easier to quit when I create more structure in my life and fill my fridge with healthy food . My dependency on alcohol became excessive in the last 3 years . I’m determined to turn my life around and follow my artistic passions. I know deep down alcohol is getting in the way of being an artist . Hang in there! Onwards and upwards


It’s part of recovery and recovering,well done on your 12 days,hit that reset and pick up where you left off.i reset 6 to.es and it took me 6 months on here before I was really ready .


Once my gym membership starts up again I’m going to hit the gym when I feel the need to drink. Being more organised with healthy foods in the kitchen will help, my children are old enough to come with to gym with me while I do a class. Currently I’m on holiday mode , but will need to adjust my thinking about relaxing over holidays . I have terrible anxiety and use alcohol to numb it My problem is my body has built resistance and I need more to take the edge off . I saw a naturopath a few years ago and her advice was if you feel like a drink , go and brush your teeth (fuck I should’ve done that this afternoon) or go and sand furniture - one of my other passions . Find something you’re good at or passionate about and use it as a distraction . I should follow my own advice but will step up .


I got a lecture yesterday on this, it called ACT
(Acceptance and comittment therapy)
I think it might help for u .
Its about that u dont fight your addiction, because we all know we cant win that fight…
Its more about making note its there but dont act to it.

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Thank you all!

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