Withdrawal Return at Day 19?

Is it possible to have a return of withdrawals all the way at day 19? I feel for all the world like I am having withdrawals.


Are you having physical or mental withdrawal symptoms? If mental, my experience is that they regularly rear their ugly head well past 19 days, unfortunately. Having said that, it does most definitely get better with time!


Physical for sure.

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Check out this thread:What's YOUR plan? It explains the phases of recovery.
Our body and mind are having a hard time when you quit your substance. It depends on what you used, how long, how much and how your body copes. But eventualy it will find a new balance.
Give it time.
Stay hydratated, eat healthy and rest.
Take care! :raising_hand_woman:

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You didn’t mention your DOC. One of mine was opioids and I thought I’d be free after the initial withdrawal, but I was wrong. They came and went multiple times over the first few months. One day I’d be feeling great and the next I felt like I was run over by a truck. The mental part lasted much longer. The good news is that eventually it ends and you’ll never have to feel that bad again.

Hi Lisa,

My DOC is alcohol.

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Sounds like you could be experiencing Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS). Google it.

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