Work Stress! What is your on-the-job go-to?

It’s all well and good to practice self-care at home. It’s a necessity!
But maybe you work in a cubicle setting and feel tethered to your computer. Perhaps you are like me and rarely have coverage or time to step away from the phone and customer relations.
My questions is: What are your go-to de-stress methods you practice at work when you are trying to be sober? How do you keep yourself sane enough to be able to leave work at work and not go home to drown your woes in booze/drugs etc…?
Personally, I’m a workaholic and alcoholic. They don’t work well together…obviously. Work has been stressful lately due to turnover and unreliable employees. I want to be sober, but I also obsess over my job and bring it home with a six pack in tow. Today I’m having a hard time functioning at work, so how can I expect to function at home?
Thanks for responses and personal stories!!!


Right there with ya… following for answers lol

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@DowntroddenGoat is king goat of this topic.

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This is my issue as well. On my drive home, I’d dream of the first drink I could make and sip on when I walked through the door, but obviously I can’t do that anymore. So, until I get to the highway, I say out loud all of the things that I’m thankful for and what I’m proud of that day. I always end it with, “I am so proud of myself for having the courage and strength to know I want a drink, but don’t need one to help me through the night.” And then I have a mini concert in my car and blast music and sing and dance until I get home! haha

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Thank you for this @beyondmythoughts. I do the music and also:
Take a nap when I get home
Listen to my favorite meditation talk on my Bluetooth
Call someone I enjoy on the drive home
Ask for help from the Universe


Yes, I’ve taken naps before too. When I first walk in the door, I’m typically tempted to fix a drink right away, but if I take my dog on a short walk, that feeling typically passes…if it hasn’t then I will pour myself a glass of whatever mixer I’m wanting so coke, root beer, juice…and I’ll sip on that as I cook dinner or play games or read a book. That’s been really helpful to me so far :woman_shrugging:t3: also, if none of those things have worked, then I pull out the refuge recovery book and start reading that and that normally shifts my perspective


I’m loving all of these ideas. Because I’m stuck at work, I actually ended up having a conversation with my boss about my frustrations on the job. I lucked out big time with an understanding employer. Sometimes you just have to be validated that you are indeed doing a good job.
That isnt always going to be available, and I’m realizing that just taking a minute to hop on the sobertime feed has been very helpful in itself.
I’m looking forward to learning new techniques and finding my way.

I am 8 days in and this feels relatable. The last couple of stressful and nearly impossible days I started buying suckers. When I’m craving, I get a glass of water and a sucker and either sit in front of the tele or I’ll go outside and do something. This helps me for the duration I have my mind on drinks. I also started a mini journal. I write a little when I feel the urge for a drink. In a way, it helps to get the thoughts out of me and onto paper.


im retired just plan out our next holiday its a hard life wish everyone a good day


Yesss! I talk to my supervisor all the time if I’m stressed out! I find it very helpful that she’s such a good listener

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