Any hospitality worker find themselves always having a drink after work, you can tell after hours all the good bars are filled with hospitality workers we know the bartenders and have drinks with them while they work its a vicious circumstance
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I was a buyer and GM at a liquor store for the last 3 years and worked in stores for 10 years. I finally had to quit 2 months ago because I couldn’t go more then 2 days without drinking. From sampling with reps, even though i was spiting, i would drink right away in the morning and continue all day. Drinking vodka and 90proof pep schnapps… tried quiting drinking many times but i had to co e to realization that I cant even be around booze, even if it was a good paying job. If you can resist temptation and work around booze, great. But if you are always going to be tempted and want to quit, ending a booze job my be necessary. Best wishes for those in the booze biz😀