Wow can't believe it 1 year sober I'm so proud of myself

Can’t believe it’s been 1 year since I have last had a drink of alcohol I’m so proud of myself I feel on top of the world


Welcome to the community Chris and congratulations on one year of sobriety. keep reaching out and staying connected, this is a good place to be. A lot of support from like-minded people. :heart:

Welcome Chris. And congratulations. Be proud of yourself. Well done.

Heck yeah man. Glad to hear a year feels so good. Motivation.

Hi Chris, welcome! One year is amazing!!! Keep on keeping on! :clap::100::boom::100::partying_face::partying_face::two_hearts:

One year is amazing, congratulations!!
Life sure does get easier this way. Keep up the good work, and welcome to the forum. I enjoy the meditation posts and have had lots of support when I needed it.

It’s the most refreshing feeling! Congratulations!

As you should! Congratulations! Keep that positive train moving!

Welcome! That is awesome! Keep up the good work.