Yaay another relapse ಥ⌣ಥ

I feel abject. As if the devil is haunting me. I continue to have moments of weakness and I can cope with them. But sometimes my primitive mind wins over my sensual thinking and I immediately find excuses to “treat myself”.
Afterwards I geel terrible.
I guess most - if not all - of you know this feeling. So what are your tricks and techniques to supress those cravings?

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Reach out to somebody, that’s the best thing you can do. Get s sponsor for when your feeling that way. Best thing is to find good coping mechanisms that work for you. Remember why you got sober in the first place.


I read a lot of recovery books to help shift my mindset to not think of alcohol as a treat. After trying and failing to quit drinking on my own dozens of times, I went to AA and now I work a program and have sober friends, made a huge difference for me!


I don’t know if they can be suppressed, but how I respond can change.

First I think through what comes after that first drink. The fresh hell, isolation and misery it always brought me. It doesn’t sound so great then.

Second I ask if I’m hungry, angry, lonely or tired (HALT). It may sound silly, but those can really drive the crazy craving. If I’m hungry or tired I have a snack or take a nap.

If I’m lonely or angry, I reach out. I get to an AA meeting, directly connect with someone else in recovery, or simply call and catch up with friends or family.

One of these almost always helps, and the urge certainly always passes. With more and more time it comes less and less often. It does get easier, just one day at a time.


I’m going through the same! I had 580 days in and two days ago I over dosed! First time using again since before I got in all those days! I feel so terrible, ashamed, embarrassed, stupid, everything all rolled into one! I’m recently going through a seperation and that was pretty much the main cause for it! Not wanting to feel the pain! I’m so lost and just really need to find myself again! Any idea’s or suggestions besides the basic!? I will appreciate any type of feed back from anyone, The HONEST Truth preferably! Pls n ty.

That’s a good amount of days you had there. My suggestion is to start working on those feelings of agitation or sadness through therapy or just talking with a friend or journaling. Get those feelings out. Learn and use a better coping mechanism than using.

And the most important, get back to sober and clean and learn from this. Do you do meetings? If so, get there…if not, maybe try one out today.