You can make a difference

Apologies if this is too far off base, but it is on my heart and maybe on yours too. The trash keeps piling up, even in the ocean. Do you care about this too?

Today I bought a coffee from the same place as yesterday. I brought the same cup I used yesterday, and asked them to use it instead of getting a new one. I never see anyone doing this, but it’s so easy to do. You can make a difference! And maybe if everyone did this, coffee would be a little cheaper.


Even better, and cheaper: make your coffee at home. Take it in a travel mug.

I am in the coffee business. I sell breakroom services and supplies to companies. If you knew how much it costs retail coffee shops to sell you that $2-$5 cup of coffee, you would be floored.


This is what I do, now.


Me too. And I compost the grounds. My tomatoes love them.


When I’m out on a run especially, I notice all the garbage on the sides of the road…and I live in a pretty clean and nice town, but there’s still a ton of it.

It’s just astonishing to me that there are still people (and I’m assuming plenty of them) that consciously and willingly litter (trash out the car window, etc), despite knowing the impact. It’s fucking embarrassing.

Ironically enough, much of the time it’s empty beer cans and/or liquor “nips”, the latter of which they are actually trying to ban here and will probably be successful in that.


Absolutely… :coffee::older_woman::100: And good for you @RBG for making the :earth_americas: a little cleaner… :grin:


Can also get a sturdy to go cup for your coffee. :heart: We see all sorts of them at thrift shops, if you don’t want to pay full price.

@Yoda-Stevie, big composters here…Florida sun makes it easy and we literally have less than half a kitchen bag for a week. The plants love it.

When we bicycle we see it too and every now and again we bring a trash bag out and clean it up.

We beach walk once a week or so and every time we bring a bag for shells and one for trash or recyclables…every little bit counts.


There are a lot of people who wake up away from home on a regular basis.

It’s sad to hear that is common on the other side of the country, makes me think this is happening in every state. I really don’t understand how people can litter, it’s disgusting.

There’s been a case of empty Modelos along the walk I do at work, for about a month now. I agree it’s usually beer bottles.


I should note, I’ve brought a trash bag and collected litter on my walks…I just can’t bring a case of empty beer bottles back to work.

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I see the same thing on my walking route I take at lunch at work, too. We’re in an industrial park and it’s pretty evident that there are probably a LOT of people drinking on the job…mini wine bottles and liquor bottles all along the side of the road. Empty cigarette packs.

I just don’t get it. There’s appropriate receptacles everywhere. :frowning:

I DID find a $20 on the ground once, I was glad they littered that for me. I absolutely did my part and picked it up.