You still handwrite your grocery lists on paper.
You still use a wall callendar and sticky notes to remember important dates, appointments, etc.
You still use those “little tree” air fresheners in your car.
You can remember when Taco Bell used to be super cheap: tacos for 59 cents each.
McDonald’s food tasted way better when you were a kid.
I look at the year
When words such as “stoked”, “gnarly”, and “stylin’” are still in your vernacular.
Conversly, the look you have when your kid says, “Bruv, that drip is bussin’”
I have no idea what those words mean. I must be old
When you can’t get up of a chair witho7t making some sound.
When you are careful with lifting things.
When your favourite movies are showing in the cinema again…
When you google what or who Dirty Honey is
When you post a selfie without smoothing face filters.
or you don’t even know there are filters and how to use them
When you remember that long movies (Titanic or Braveheart for example) used to have an interval at the cinema, when they physically had to change film rolls.
And now you are always missing a few minutes in the middle because you can’t sit through a movie without a pee break
I had to do that too when i was told I was going.
When in your annual work health review you are offered to visit the urologist, you finally go and…”lose your virginity”.
Outing myself here.
When you sit chilling on the sofa and find yourself stroking your face and chin, feeling for prickly hairs.
When you tell teenagers that you went to see Titanic in the cinema when it came out (in 1997).
When you start finding white hair strands
When your parents are getting older and older and you realise they’re not gonna be there forever (sorry, this just got me)
When you miss the times you could have pen friends.
Ten characters
Another sign you are old…lol
Two words.
Slide rule.
Haha this one is so true! I just tried the maximum face filters and looked like Jessica Fletcher in the later Murder she wrotes, crossed with an alien with enormous eyes. I will stick with my slightly tired looking middle aged face!