Your daily cravings/addiction out of 10...Whats you number today?

So one of the things that has REALLY helped me is to give my cravings/addictions on a daily basis (even hourly) a rating out of 10. As a community whatever the addiction is one of the main things we all have in common is that our addiction/cravings are either a constant, after thought or are there most of the time but varies in intensity! This is something we all have to accept.

Started this thread so peeps can just give it a number and accept what it is at that point! Might not help everyone but its helped me articulate how im feeling with out going into loads of detail thus taking some of the pressure off!

0 = None at all
10 = extreme, over whelming, feels impossible, anxiety, feel like relapsing etc

Today im at a 3 where as yesterday morning I was at a 10 totally over whelming!

So for me today. 3


I say a 1 for me today. It’s a work day and I’m quite busy. Even when I was actively drinking I usually only drank on my days/nights off. Usually.


Wow thats me aswell! Ive always managed to not drink or drink very little when working the next day. Its my days off where I would start in the mornings and not stop

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Yep! I know some people don’t like the term, but that’s why I considered myself “functional” although of course in hindsight I was anything but functional.

I was sober during the work week then topically constantly drunk all of my days off. Thank god those days are behind me.

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Yep i feel exactly the same! This term “functional” comes up quite alot and I can see why its used.


Zero. Cravings are no longer part of the game for me. I have utilized a program of recovery that has allowed me to address the underlying issues that resulted in cravings. So long as I continue to practice my program on a daily basis I feel protected. However, were my willingness to engage in recovery slip I would imagine the cravings would return. For me the best way to beat a craving is to not have one in the first place.


wow thats amazing! I hope to get to a zero one day!

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Zero today, feeling so much better than I did even after just 4 days

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Zero. When we tackle why we drank, addressing those issues the road to sobriety becomes easier.


Maybe I should change it to 0 to 10

0 for Cocaine & Alcohol
2 for Cigarettes as I had a coffee early this morning in town, for only the 2nd time since February, and it triggered a craving that I haven’t been able to shake all day, despite quitting in April.
5 for Binge-Eating but it’s only day 4 so to be expected.

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Have the willingness to put in the work and you won’t need to hope. It will happen.


yea doing well! and i havnt had coffee for 2 weeks because it does the same with me and cigs!

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Zero cravings. Definitely in and out of funk last couple days but even then no cravings. Been doing pretty good about it lately. I do alot of reflecting through the days still of who I use to be, and why I am better today and why I don’t want to go back down that shitty road.


I like this idea ! Today i woke up and im feeling 0 ! Puts me in a good mood already knowing how i wake up and its not on my mind anymore .


Thats awesome!

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I’m on day 55, I would say it’s a consistent 5 most days now.


hmmm interesting…for me at the moment its 3 for me most days. Then some days for a few hours it’ll go right up to 9/10 and its unbearable. 5 is ok though. Do you find a 5 manageable?

0 - my anxiety is so bad that the thought of alcohol freaks me out. I just know it would send me into a tailspin and spiral my thoughts even more!

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yea. I tell my partner and friends how im feeling and struggling. You can see it in their faces sometimes that they are trying very hard to understand but they simply dont really “get it” deep down. They still support me though. Im blessed to have them in my life. But im also even more blessed to have this community now as when I write on here I know that someone out there “gets it” totally. Theyve been in similar situations. They understand when I say that im struggling with these feelings that I NEED alcohol etc.