Your Masked Life

I have this bookmarked to read from time to time and I’m in IOP right now and read it to the group. Well it just so happens we are going into our 2nd hour on this and focusing our therapy on how we all hide our real selves from the world. How we fake our lives to show others that we have it all together when we dont. I want to thank you for putting this up here so I could share because it is helpful to all of us.


That feels great. Thanks for telling me. It warms my heart that this is helpful to others who struggle. That’s exactly why I wrote it. :blush:
I am also in IOP, but have yet to read it to the group. Isn’t that lame? I just haven’t brought myself to do it. It seems oddly narcissistic to me… I dunno. I emailed it to my counselor, but I don’t think she’s read it. :sweat_smile:

I needed this. Thank you.

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I think we’ve all been there.
The trick is to look back, but don’t stare.
To many people look at their past and think that’s them. It’s not. That’s either a totally different person or, no person at all; just the mask.
I’m glad you liked it. I’m hoping to write more.

@Clarity, you’re welcome. I’m happy if it helped.

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