On Saturday Welcome!
What time and timezone? Really depends on the time if I’ll be able to get on
7 PM United Kingdom time. There is a picture of the start time in all the timezones in the very beginning of this thread. You can check yours there
I can come to a meeting tomorrow
Gotcha Darlin
So 6pm British winter
It’s going on now. Started half hour ago at 7pm your time.
@anon27760155 where are you today???
Thank you @Olivia and @Milele for starting the Zoom and being diligent in making sure it’s available to everyone every week
I’ll be back in a sec
Buuuu I can’t talk in the car cause there’s to many people in here
Thank you Conor
I had to leave a while ago for a retirement Zoom
You ended the meeting for everyone snickerdoodle! LoL
Did you forget that you are the host?
oops. link still works though
Hey guys, sorry but I’m having trouble! I could hear you saying Hi and was hitting the unmute button but it wasn’t working. I will try to join again sometime soon!
We’ll be here