Zoom Meeting - Tuesdays and Saturdays

sorry I missed ya…


If yall do one later, just message me. I finally fell asleep last night. I needed 2. Brain :brain: started working overtime.

Y’all are gonna get a zoom burn out lol

No way, just no way

I clearly remember turning off the zoom and I clearly remember browsing on the forum before that

@ProofOfLife this true?

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You are shitting me. This is payback for my prank isn’t it

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I did not talk specifically with Andre at all last night.

I remember the entire night vividly. Y’all are definitely fucking with me

There’s your fuck up, I don’t watch tv

Really good attempt though, you nearly had me

Was my camera on?

We’re there other lights on?

I always have the lights on when downstairs and I don’t bring technology to my room at night,so you’re either fucking with me or someone is a complete fucking psycho

And I didn’t have an open window

Was it Crazy_Dutchie or Jan(Crazy_Dutchie)

You just tagged someone who hasn’t been on TS since 2016

So you don’t remember or you don’t know which to pick because this is a prank?

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Thread continues at Zoom meetings Tuesdays and Saturdays II.