Any advice to new comer?

New to this and still figuring out how it works

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Any questions just fire away. What’s your DOC and what are your goals?


Go to the search engine at the top and enter in new user, new to recovery, newcomer. Whatever is on your mind. There’s tons of great resources there…

Welcome !


@Englishd Your so awesome ! You help so many of the newcomers… You were one of the first to helped me when I first came on…

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I take the 12th step to heart. Plus I was in your shoes before. I know how it feels.


I joined just a couple of weeks ago. This forum is a Godsend. There’s always someone ready to give advice and support! Welcome aboard! :hugs:


I always scoffed at the whole one day at a time thing…to me it was nothing more than a cliche…I wish I would have figured out how wrong I was years ago. And when the day becomes tough…I come here


457350… my goal now is to leave the wknd beer alone

This is day one… I’m at work so that helps… It’s great to have found this forum and app. Good to know I’m not in this alone. I’m a single dad and don’t have many friends outside of work… so it’s been tough. One of the reasons for the drinking. Boredom and alone.

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I found that AA was helpful in meeting new people.


At first, I really fought to NOT become friends with people at meetings. But I’ve come around and highly recommend participating in the pre and post meetings. I’ve found true friends in recovery.

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That’s pretty much the only friends I have now and I wouldn’t want it any other way